Banana fiber

in Freewriterslast year

The most interesting topic for me for free writing this time. It's really something different and in the end, it becomes new knowledge about the problem of what banana fiber is.

Looks unattractive, simple, and ordinary. In fact, at first, I wanted to write about the problem of banana fiber with regard to something soft because my initial idea of seeing the word banana fiber was the softness of the existence of the banana itself.

Image by Ulrike Leone from Pixabay

However, feeling unsure and inaccurate on what basis the problem of the word banana fiber was based, I finally tried to research and look for the meaning contained in a more precise meaning. And it turns out that banana fiber is about the use of banana stems which in fact have been used as a material for cloth.

This means that from the point of view of using it as a source of cloth fiber, of course, we can reduce banana stem waste whose disposal is not properly considered. In addition, this utilization can also be of added value for banana farmers to increase their income.

Usually, we know that cloth is made of yarn. Apparently, banana fiber is one of the ingredients of other natural fibers used to make yarn. Apart from cloth, this fiber can also be used to make shoes, bags, brooms, and many more.
