Failure and Mistake

in Freewriterslast year

Yes, a word of regret for all the failures and mistakes in making decisions in the past. I don't know if it was so long ago or it just happened. But do all of your regrets really end well or in accordance with the desired results?

If you think about it, it's not certain that if it could happen, but in reality it's also impossible to go back to the past just to fix the mistakes that have been made. Isn't it better, as the saying goes, better late than never.


Regret can be taken as a positive step to be able to accept it as a lesson in the journey of life that has been lived. Neither bad nor good. Regret is a basic human attitude that cannot be denied but can be used as self-improvement to organize a better life in the future so that despair can be avoided. And feel that eternal life does not exist.

The word if or other representative words that have the same meaning, will indeed only blind our eyes about the meaning of the word lulled by the word dream and cannot accept the reality that has happened. It weakens the spirit of life and creates a lazy attitude in the end.

It's not easy to be conscious and let go of this word. Because we humans are full of various desires which if expressed are so full of words of greed for happiness.

So the conclusion may be short of self-control and acceptance of everything that happens. Hopefully it can be a reference material, especially for myself, so that I can continue to try to accept and accept all the decisions that have been made.

It's true that it's better late than never, but it's best to learn from our mistakes and failures so that we don't have to experience them in the first place! Instead of dwelling on the past, it's important to focus on the present and use our experiences to build resilience, knowledge, and understanding for the future.
