What's worth - Prompt: it is worth it

in Freewriters2 years ago

Morals are something very valuable and are a major part of the level of human education. Because human morals it can be seen and brings the good or bad side in the world. So, of course, good education will certainly be filled with good moral education. And vice versa.

Why is it so valuable? Yes, it is worth it. Because every human life that is born in this world does not bring everything that exists. Have we ever seen a newborn baby born carrying gold and gems? There never was. So that it symbolizes the value of how holy a new human being is born into the world. But it becomes valuable, or useful after being fulfilled with the conditions of education that he gets along with increasing age and maturity. From this education, a behavior that is more dominant will be created in the conditions of the existence of the place and the education obtained. The offspring of a good person may not necessarily be said to be good, and vice versa, the offspring of a bad person will not necessarily have bad behavior. But all of them are obtained from the existence of upbringing and the habit of his existence getting input on his moral condition.


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Good morals are certainly the dream of every human being to be able to have conditions like this. Because it can have a good impact on yourself and the environment. Many great people were born with good morals and brought fame to their existence. For example, the easiest to find are the Prophets.

Did any of the Prophets set a bad example of education? Never earned and undeniable. If anything it's just the views of people who have bad behavior towards their existence.

Morals are the number one thing, with human morality being able to distinguish between what is good and what is not, it makes it easier for the mind to accept the context of an assessment of human attitudes.
