Winter Sports

in Freewriters2 years ago

As a citizen who lives in Southeast Asia and has a tropical climate, maybe winter sports are a sport that is not very familiar to me. Because of the existence of seasons that I usually meet there are only two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season. So far, to be able to find out about winter sports, I only get it from the print media or watch from footage or recordings about winter sports.

It is very interesting that there will be sports that can be held when winter arrives. Such as skiing, hockey, ice skating, and various other activities related to winter. Winter for me personally is also quite curious for me, because honestly, I have never experienced the presence of snow directly. Snow is very close to winter conditions, for us who live in the tropics, it is quite an interesting thing.


Image by Pexels from Pixabay

For winter sports, maybe in my country, there is one thing that can be done or experienced, namely ice skating. But of course, this can only be done in certain places that have been provided or are indeed prepared for this sport. And usually, this is a reaction place for most people, the place that is made is usually inside a building with an artificial ice platform for skating. But again I say this again, for I still never tried.

Sometimes I fantasize that I really want to feel what it's like to experience winter firsthand. This means maybe one day if fate allows me to go to a country that has 6 seasons conditions. But on the other hand, if that happens I also think about whether my endurance can withstand the weather that I have never experienced before, while in the rainy season I can't stand cold weather.


Image by Полина Андреева from Pixabay

Free fantasy is not it, who knows one day it can come true. Enjoying the cold weather walking on piles of snow falling from the sky. While looking directly at the people who were skiing, they were so cheerful and agile. It will be a beautiful memory of course, especially with my children to enjoy one of the natural phenomena that we have never encountered before.