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RE: [Esp./Eng.] Aires de libertad || Airs of freedom

in Freewriters16 days ago

As a page that aches for a word
Which speaks on a theme that is timeless
And the one God will make for your day
As a song in search of a voice that is silent
And the sun God will make for your way

Thanks brother, I didn't know the song. Beautiful lyrics that caress my soul. There are situations in life that hit us and one wonders why they happen?... 14 years ago I lost my daughter Sofía when she was barely 10 years old as a result of leukemia (CLL) and today my son Matthew, 8, presents the same disease.


I am so sorry this terrible disease hit your family for the second time. There are no words I can say to make you feel better. All I hope is your son will not suffer too much and the time you spent together will be quality time. Something so many families don't have.

I wish you strength and love
Blessings to you and your family.