Strategy for Students Participating in Writing Competitions |

in Freewriters3 months ago

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Discuss with students about strategic writing.

In accordance with Mr. Dr Hadi Iskandar's direction that all competitions at Peksimida must achieve maximum results, we ask for your attention to the participants in the competitions for writing plays, writing short stories and writing poetry.

Considering that the time is getting closer and all participants must increase their level of ability towards the next competition, we are conveying the training and competition strategy as we have conveyed several times in meetings at the Migas Center. This written message is only to strengthen the verbal message so that you don't forget. As the Latin saying goes; verb volant, (sed) scripta manet which means words will fly far, what is written will always be remembered.

For the competition for writing plays, short stories and poetry, the coaches have given assignments that must be completed according to the specified deadline. Our training pattern is like that; write directly according to the theme, then discuss it at each meeting. Apart from that, prospective participants in the three branches are required to read the works of great writers every day.

Strictly speaking, there are only three things that prospective participants in the competition for writing plays, short stories and poetry do, namely: Writing, reading, discussing works, both their own and other people's works. All the world's great writers also did these three things intensely until they were finally able to produce great works.

Specifically to face Peksimida (read: Regional student arts week) 2024, candidates for the writing competition must implement the strategies below:

  1. Complete a manuscript (either a play, short story or poetry) that suits the chosen theme. This script is then discussed repeatedly, revised, discussed again, with the trainer. Until departure, there is one mainstay script and one backup script which will be rewritten during the competition, of course by making adjustments after adjustments.
  2. During the competition, the jury will announce the theme in more detail, setting, characterization (for plays and short stories), and so on. Students must quickly adapt to the script that they have memorized by heart. For this reason, students must read it every time.
  3. In this process, students regularly read the works of great authors and also discuss them with trainers.
  4. The selected text will be decided no later than Sunday 9 June 2024 after discussions with the coach.

These are a number of instructions and strategic steps that must be taken specifically for prospective participants who will take part in play writing, short story writing and poetry writing competitions. Thank you for your attention.[]

Bukit Indah, June 7, 2024

  1. Juni Ahyar
  2. Ayi Jufridar
  3. Nasrullah Thaib

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Strategi Bagi Mahasiswa Peserta Tangkai Lomba Menulis

Sesuai dengan arahan Pak Dr Hadi Iskandar bahwa untuk semua tangkai lomba di Peksimida wajib meraih hasil maksimal, kami mohon perhatian kepada peserta tangkai lomba menulis lakon, menulis cerpen, dan menulis puisi.

Mengingat waktu yang semakin dekat dan semua peserta harus meningkatkan level kemampuan menuju lomba nanti, kami menyampaikan kembali strategi latihan dan lomba seperti yang pernah kami sampaikan beberapa kali dalam pertemuan di Migas Center. Pesan tulisan ini hanya untuk menguatkan pesan lisan agar tidak lupa. Seperti pepatah Latin; verba volant, (sed) scripta manet yang berarti kata-kata akan terbang jauh, yang tertulis akan selalu dikenang.

Untuk tangkai lomba menulis lakon, cerpen, dan puisi, para pelatih sudah memberikan tugas yang harus diselesaikan sesuai tenggat waktu yang ditentukan. Pola latihan kita memang seperti itu; menulis langsung sesuai tema, kemudian membahas dalam setiap pertemuan.

Selain itu, para calon peserta ketiga tangkai wajib membaca karya penulis besar setiap hari.

Tegasnya, hanya ada tiga hal yang dilakukan calon peserta tangkai lomba menulis lakon, cerpen, dan puisi, yakni: Menulis, membaca, membahas karya baik karya sendiri maupun karya orang lain. Semua penulis hebat dunia juga melakukan ketiga hal itu secara intens sampai akhirnya mampu melahirkan karya besar.

Khusus untuk menghadapi Peksimida 2024, para calon tangkai lomba menulis harus melaksanakan strategi di bawah ini:

  1. Menyelesaikan satu naskah (baik lakon, cerpen, maupun puisi) yang sesuai dengan tema yang sudah dipilih. Naskah ini yang kemudian dibahas berulang-ulang, direvisi, dibahas lagi, dengan pelatih. Sampai menjelang keberangkatan, ada satu naskah andalan dan satu naskah cadangan yang akan ditulis ulang saat lomba nanti, tentunya dengan melakukan penyesuaian demi penyesuaian.
  2. Ketika lomba nanti, dewan juri akan mengumumkan tema lebih detail, setting, penokohan (untuk lakon dan cerpen), dan sebagainya. Mahasiswa harus secara cepat menyesuaikan dengan naskah yang sudah dihapal di luar kepala. Untuk itu, mahasiswa harus membacanya setiap saat.
  3. Dalam proses tersebut, mahasiswa secara rutin membaca karya-karya penulis besar dan juga mendiskusikannya dengan pelatih.
  4. Naskah pilihan tersebut sudah diputuskan paling telat Ahad 9 Juni 2024 setelah berdiskusi dengan pelatih.

Demikian sejumlah instruksi dan langkah-langkah strategis yang harus dilakukan khusus untuk calon peserta yang akan mengikuti lomba penulis lakon, penulisan cerpen, dan penulisan puisi. Atas perhatiannya kami ucapkan terima kasih.[]

Bukit Indah, 7 Juni 2024

  1. Juni Ahyar
  2. Ayi Jufridar
  3. Nasrullah Thaib

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