Tuesday prompt #storyteller

in Freewriters3 years ago


Everyone likes to regale their stories and adventures, mostly about their childhood or teenage years. The amount of original content will have dropped quite a lot when one becomes an adult and starts working. My father used to tell his childhood adventures. To him, they were real events. But to me, they were like stories with lots of gaps in the information. Things that must have gone for hours will be condensed to mere moments. One such story was...

"One day, my friend and I went to a second show movie. It was 12'o in the night when it ended. We got separated after the movie. Since those days(was 30 years ago) we didn't have any transportation late at night, I would have to walk 8-9 kilometers in total darkness, to reach home in a nearby village. I somehow started the journey back home. When I got sleepy on the way, I slept in well."

When I heard such stories from my father, I could only imagine them in pieces. Walking all those distances couldn't have been easy. Sleeping in a well must have been really scary because of all the crevices and their slithering contents. My imaginations of that story got updated during my recent late-night walk towards a village. Everything was dark and always shivering in the wind. Such darkness will have strange effects on you if you experience it for the first time.

I have some experiences of my own to tell my nephew. I can only imagine how he will take them.

I give up. I can't seem to go anymore. Writing an article in my head was easier than writing one for real.


Yay! 🤗
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I think you hit the nail with this free write. Much storytelling is precisely an attempt to fill gaps.
I was thinking about it some days ago, after talking to my youngest brother. He happens to have a prodigious memory and even though he is younger, he talks as if he were older, as if he had experienced more things, as if he had known more people.
Every time he tells me an anecdote with as many details as an international phone call may allow, he ignites in my limited and fragmented memories some forgotten images an details.
It is really frustrating to realize how much we forget (consciously or unconsciously) from all out life experiences.

after knowing the prompt, this is what was going through my mind. and that my nephew asks for stories from his uncle, grandparents and his parents. and how to become a storyteller for him.