Old Temple

in Freewriterslast year

Mr Philip is returning to the old temple of the greate Empired.

Philip was sent on an errand to destroy the Egyptian god's, unknowingly to him that no one fight or succeeded any fight with the gods.
On getting to the land of Egypt,.
His mortal strength fail him and he was held Ransome for sixthy seven years in prison with brazen wall and iron pillars

where he couldn't penetrate or had any narrow escape,
Till the wall collapse.
Luck meet Mr Philip in the prison when the new king was 👑 crowned.
Mr Philip was discharged in the prison

and was allowed to return back to the old temple.
Mr Philip returning to the old temple just to discover that the whole empire was destroy, only left with the structure (the old temple) but the occupancy where no more to be found.
Mr Philip look for who to tell his story but found no one.
He also look for who to explained what's happening to the temple, no one could helped.
He was only left with the people that brought him back to the temple.
Mr Philip standing at the entrance of the old temple so disappointed and confusing.
Mr Philip couldn't brings his luggage inside as he was deeply perplexed.
An empty temple full of nothing but stories no one can tell.
Philip is still wandering and wondering what could befall his people in the temple for 64 years now.
No one can tell him the story except Babamb03😛🤷


While he was in prison the kingdom was destroyed. It surprises me how easily people destroy things, a world build. They destroy a part of their history, great buildings, and everything that could give them a better life just because it was built by an enemy. Wouldn't it be better to say: thanks! We own this now, we deserved it.

Thank you for joining pic1000.👍

Such is life,
Humans are so complex in nature.