Original Poetry: "Ungraspable Venus", by bonzopoe

in Freewriters3 years ago


Ungraspable Venus

The plastic of impotence cries,
in your presence of suggestive and continuous contours,
that catch the glances of those who were her lovers.

It is accompanied by grammar-hysteria,
that screams incoherencies in a futile attempt
for finding a word that can describe you.

The broken syntax tries to help her,
and together they only manage to articulate
the scandalous silence of some suspension points.

Meanwhile the light, lascivious,
licks the silhouette of your shadow,
that lengthens as much as possible
on a horizon that paints a thousand passions.

Thus passes the eternal instant of a blink,
in which a cosmogony of upright fantasies
It is born from a flutter of your eyelids.

Curtains that discover worlds with each movement,
parallel, tangent and convex universes,
that throw milky ways to the wind
while screaming at the sky.

To then sink into a placid dream,
until trying again,
to grasp the elusive sigh of your name: woman.

©bonzopoe, 2021.

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Thank you very much for reading this post and dedicating a moment of your time. Until next time and remember to leave a comment.



Su nombre: Mujer, Venus o Afrodita reina y diosa de la belleza y el amor, @bonzopoe , reclamas con tus metáforas el contagio de las formas con el fondo. Excelentes versos muy al estilo de la vanguardia poética de la última mitad del siglo XX. Felicitaciones y gracias por regalarnos ese minuto de lectura que ha sido un minuto de placer.

Muchas gracias por la lectura, y sobre todo por tus amables palabras. Muy agradecido, y saludos desde México!

Saludos hermano @bonzopoe , feliz fin de semana