Movies Guns.

in Freewriters5 months ago

There are some movies that when people watch it, you behind to wonder what was going through there kinds. You tends to ask yourself, why this debase movie that add no value to you, it's not interesting neither has a perfect and impressive storyline.

Hand with pistol stock vector_ Illustration of pistol - 16487290.webp

You don't get to talk about movie that has no head or tail, just vibes, it's not teaching you anything positive neither adding value to you.

Will time permit me to talk about movies that attends to cbhidren but it's full of demonic concept and dark ideology. Right before our very eyes, we were negligent to the points that homosexuality and lesbianism crept into our children movies 🎥.

We have ended up producing half breed of nit wit who can't differentiate between there right and left.

They are eager to spew thrash on the internet and LP reasonable way to do things.

Movies taught some people much about guns and YouTube tutorials that they ended up becoming serial killers.