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RE: Wandering in the mind and in nature

in Freewriters6 months ago

This line - "Just as “The Road Not Taken”, rather than imploring readers to deviate, fixates on justifying the choice of the road that was – in the end – taken. "

Wow!!! I don't know if it is cause I am in a reflective season or if that sentence you have penned is that powerful --- but it has sucker punched me.

This is one of my favourite pieces and have read it wistfully many a times, ruing over the fact that I have often taken the well trodden part. Your query in this article makes me rethink on those milestones, wondering if it was lack of bravery/initiative on my end which made me not take the less trodden part, or just a fatigue of having to explain the choice to all who would not understand it, especially when one just had a gut feel about the possibilities.

This was a very good take. Thank you for writing it.


I'm thrilled to hear my writing sucker punches anyone, haha! What a rich comment, thank you so very much for sharing your thoughts. This season is a reflective one, I agree - but what a compliment... if my ramblings encouraged you to reconsider your milestones then my post was worth it. Reflecting is good fun... I sometimes think that the point of writing is sharing moments like these with others.