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RE: Day 1200: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: emerald eyes

in Freewriters3 years ago

#Freddy is my favorite feral cat, and if you slog through my old posts, you'll see how obsessed with him - and Owasco's odes to him - I really am. And to me, interior decorators who work around the eye color or coat of your pet are just being sensible. (LOVE the gray cat on gray sofa concern!)

Now I'm dying to know more about the cat in the illustration. I'm insanely envious of the artist ("Davely").


Dang. I know how to hyperlink. Just... some glitchy-ness today.
Also, our internet speed is in the Dark Ages. You wouldn't believe me if I told you how slow it is. When I hit "Post" it may take a whole minute for my comment to appear. sigh


I love how you showcase fellow writers!!

Can you copy and past and put it in the comments here