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RE: Anxiety Attacks | A-5-Minute FreeWrite

in Freewriterslast year

Ohhh I love this! Books = presents to unwrap, then the unread books pile up and guilt-trip us so we box them like "sacrificed maidens" - every line is golden. Thank you for this!!!
And oh, yeah, why I'm not entirely loyal to ebooks and thus still have the clutter of thousands of paper copies:

in a country like Venezuela, where you can’t take electricity or internet for granted, there always comes a time when you need a quick consultation precisely after a blackout and your phone’s battery has died. You look at the empty shelf and can’t even remember where’s the hell you put that box with that one book that can get you out of the pickle.

Then, you think about all the dusting, the bookworms, and little cockroaches and the millions of people who do not fret about not having books, or even shelves, and you get less anxious, and go along with it, until the next anxiety attack.

THANK YOU for this.


Thank you very much. Every time I have to get rid of a book (damaged by humidity, worms, etc.), I feel like a freaking barbarian pushing headless bodies down a sacrificial stone.
One might think one would get used to it after a few hundreds, but the guilt does not go away.

Ohhhh I feel your pain!!!
Those old encyclopedias. Due to the glue and old paperstock, they do not recycle.
Landfill 'em.... or.... some people tear them out, and print artwork on them!!!


Here's a link to just the one:

Wow. That's amazing.
Thanks for the tip