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RE: Safety Last But Not Least, a freewrite poem

in Freewriters4 months ago

Your gift for haiku never ceases to amaze me!
Have fun with your posse. :)
I'm glad you don't have to spend most of your time ALONE -- having spent so much of it as caregiver to someone bed-ridden, is it a blessing or a burden to be bereft of this person .... the blessing must be hard to see. We just want all our loved ones, whole and healthy and happy, to surround us.


It is both. I have much more time to use as I please, but I miss him deeply. This is the first time in my life that I have lived alone. In general, I like living alone. I'm very happy, however, that I moved back here, where I have more close friends, and where people are less rabidly devoted to their political parties. If I were still in my last home, I think his death would have been much more difficult. People were still treating those of us who made a certain lifestyle choice that was different from their choice as public enemies. I hope folks remember how easy it was for our fascist rulers to effect that level of hate, and how easily most of us fell into it.