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RE: Freedom, Censorship, & You: The Ultimate Guide (Emma's Dilemma) Pt. 2

in Freewriters3 years ago

“Yes, and facts are useful mainly because they can assist in persuasion.”

The facts of what someone does don’t matter nearly as much as the opinions of others about those facts.

I agree with these statements. In today’s society opinion trumps facts. Sadly many people could care less about facts.

‘But once I began just being myself, contributing my value

This is golden! Being yourself and adding value in a way that’s unique or different could really change one’s experience here. Once one stops focusing on reinventing what’s on trending and just find their niche and their zone, they’d be amazed at how well they could do and how many people they could reach and inspire. It’s always risky bringing something new to the table (kind of like you have done with these guides) but the outcome can be beneficial to those who take that chance. I’d say these guides have been beneficial to yourself and the readers :)

Navigating any social group is easier with emotional maturity. It’s easier with awareness of society’s boundaries. It’s easier with an understanding of power.

This sums up quite a bit. This is a whole chunk of good wisdom you’re sharing here :)

I believe this guide can help soothe some of these things, because understanding, clarity, and critical thinking are an antidote to snap-judgment, assumptions, and misunderstanding.

Loved this! 👆🏽 This was a very good note to end on ;)


I agree with these statements. In today’s society opinion trumps facts. Sadly many people could care less about facts.

Yes, and since humans are such 'perceiving' creatures, our 'perceptions' (opinions, basically) have massive leverage, impact on, and importance to the way society plays out.

So glad you get it. Being oneself has historically led to a more fulfilling life, with increased access to personal power, at least eventually, and measured internally and individually by the doer. I don't really see that changing, and we'd have a backwards world if the common wisdom was "definitely do not be yourself" and "avoid contributing value", I'd say, lol. I feel blessed if I'm able to positively impact Hivers and bring some value. #BeneficialForTheWin

This sums up quite a bit. This is a whole chunk of good wisdom you’re sharing here :)

Thank you! Good sum-up lines and ending notes are important, so I do aim to deliver. It's so validating when someone notices, heheh (not that I'm a people-pleaser! :D)

As usual, I appreciate your thoughtful, high-value, brimming-with-kindness-and-understanding comments.

You rock! 🙌

Yes, and since humans are such 'perceiving' creatures, our 'perceptions' (opinions, basically) have massive leverage, impact on, and importance to the way society plays out.

Yes! 👆🏽

Absolutely! Staying true to oneself is definitely more fulfilling! I’d say by looks of it you have already impacted many Hivers here by the value you bring ;)

Hahaha! I think it’s exciting when you do things a certain way and someone notices it and appreciates it just as much as you do. We have some of the same writing tendencies and I think we just both respect that about one another (I knew that wasn’t a people pleasing moment ;D)

Oh wow thank you so much. I’m glad you find my feedback valuable. Much appreciated ~

The way you give feedback is really impressive. You have a gentle, kind and loving way of expressing that I enjoy and appreciate. ❤️

Oh wow thanks so much @cynshineonline for sharing this with me. That really means a great deal to me that you feel that way. 😊❤️

I hope you have a marvelous week ~

my pleasure ❤️ You too!!!

Well, that's certainly my intention, touched anytime someone feels I've managed it. :)

Yes, that 'click' between people who appreciate similar things and tendencies is awesome.

Totally mutual. 🙏