Activate the bomb - My 5 minutes a day

in Freewriters β€’ 23 days ago

Activate the bomb

πŸ”ƒ Information on free use

A couple of weeks ago "Activate the bomb" created real chaos, I say it that way because it turns out that my husband called the technicians to wash the air conditioner in our room.

The point or rather the chaos I refer to occurred when the technician asked my husband to shrink the water pump to connect it to a pipe that would be used to wash the outer honeycomb of the air.

Then when I activated the water pump it started to leak water everywhere, since the hose was broken and I had not noticed, well thank God we were able to solve it in time.


⏰ I used the virtual timer e.ggtimer to write this piece.

βœ… πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€ Writing is full of beautiful episodes, see you next time friends....πŸš₯πŸš₯πŸš₯