Living without social ties in five minutes

in Freewriters β€’ 21 days ago

Living without social ties in five minutes

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Living without social ties is something difficult to achieve in this world increasingly subjected to the guidelines that modern society has imposed on us, facing this reality the psychologist Walter Riso explains in his book 'The courage to be who you are (even if you don't like it)' how to abandon certain inculcated beliefs.

It is not easy, but living unattached is about finding the freedom to let go of things that no longer serve us, that is, everything that hurts us, it is about living in a healthy and balanced state of mind.

It is known that attachments are chains that do not let us live but beyond any social guidelines we are used to get hooked on anything; and even more, we always cling to the negative, it is time to let go and bet on the positive.


⏰ I used the virtual timer e.ggtimer to write this piece.

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