
in Freewriters10 months ago



Pesticides are chemicals used to control pests in agriculture, gardening and other fields.

These products are designed to kill or inhibit the growth of insects, weeds, fungi and other organisms considered harmful to crops.

Pesticides are applied in a variety of ways, such as spraying, dusting or dipping, and contain active ingredients that act on the target organisms, however, they can also have negative effects on the environment.

One of the main concerns is the impact on non-target living organisms. Pesticides can affect beneficial insects such as bees, butterflies and other pollinators, impacting on plant pollination, and can contaminate soil and water, damaging aquatic ecosystems and the organisms that depend on them.


Another aspect to consider is the accumulation of pesticides in the food chain. Animals that consume plants or insects treated with pesticides may be affected, which can have negative consequences for human health if contaminated food is consumed.

Pesticides can be toxic to people who handle or are exposed to them, either through food or contaminated water.

It is important to note that regulations and agricultural practices are in place to minimise the risks associated with the use of pesticides, but even so, their impact on the environment and health is a cause for concern.
