Day 1867: 5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: bookmark

Image by Aritha from Pixabay


“So, what now, Captain – I mean, I know there are certain things God will not have me go back to, but, now what?”

Capt. Ludlow was working hard to keep it together in the face of Lt. G.H. Truss, new Christian. Capt. Ludlow's own son had chosen to die in his sins, but Lt. Truss had not, and had turned to Christ in the captain's presence. This had unlocked something inside the captain's own emotions that he hadn't known was there, but, he prayed hard and stayed composed and answered the question.

“The first thing to understand: you don't need me to answer that every day. The power to do the right thing at all times now lives within you. When you become a Christian, God the Holy Spirit takes residence within you. Later on, because I'm sure you have your grandfather's Bible, read Galatians 5:16-26 and also Proverbs 3:5-6.”

“How did you know I have my grandfather's Bible still?”

“Because of them, Lieutenant.”

Five-year-old Lil' Robert Ludlow had a question, and ten-year-old Andrew Ludlow had gone instantly to get his grandfather's Bible. All three younger grandsons – because nine-year-old George and six-year-old Grayson showed up quickly – were now listening to Andrew read from it to answer the question.

Lt. Truss laughed, but then nearly burst into tears.

“You're exactly right,” he said with a choked voice. “Faith like a child, a child who knows a holy grandfather … and a holy Heavenly Father.”

“This is a complete illustration of what I'm saying, Lieutenant – put a mental bookmark here. We were all raised to think that being a Christian means doing rituals – you were supposed to come forward in front of everybody, to start. No. That's of Charles Finney and Billy Sunday and Billy Graham, but that is not of God. You literally have been born again, into a new family – and since the Lord Jesus Himself only had a few people show up for His birth, we ought to know ours is not going to be cheered by the crowd.”

“You know … we tell that story every year … but … yeah, just the shepherds showed up, and Grandpa said the wise men came later.”

“And they came with things the family was going to need, since they were going to be on the run and in hiding from King Herod – so, right on time, but not there at the manger,” Capt. Ludlow said. “There was no fanfare and hoopla around the coming of the Son of God into the world, so how we got off the track with pushing baby Christians out into the spotlight – when the Scripture also says, 'Lay hands on no man suddenly' – I really do not know.”

“The main thing here: life with God in Christ is not a performance. It is children growing up with their Father and with each other, day by day. So, when you need to know what to do and when to do it, you ask your Father in Heaven in the name of His Son, and His Spirit will show you, and send you brothers and sisters to help you get a better understanding.

“Now, the primary way: read your grandfather's Bible and start perhaps in John, but also adding Genesis a chapter or so at a time. Get to know the Father and the Son.

“But then there is all the stuff we have to get done every day, and we all have habits. Now you notice: I didn't ask you what the details of your sins were. It's none of my business. You have to talk with the One Who already knows, and if you go intending obedience, He will lead you around all temptation that is common to you. And then there are all temptations common to all of us. He will lead you around those.

“More importantly, Lieutenant: you can know the right thing, the courageous thing, the honorable thing, the holy thing to do in every situation and do it. This is what we overlook, looking for rituals. I'm not talking to you about church – none of them are open right now.”

“This is more church than I have had since I could talk with my grandfather every day!” Lt. Truss said. “This is what I have been looking for since he died! This is real life!”

“Yes, it is, Lieutenant. This is you, walking with your Father in Heaven and your Elder Brother Jesus Christ by adoption – look over there. You see how my Lil' Robert, Grayson, and George look up to their elder brother Andrew? Every other day I hear Lil' Robert and George talking about 'I need to get my life together and be like Andrew and stay out of trouble.' But Grayson doesn't usually get in trouble, because he gets over by his big brother and learns from him, so he is progressing faster.”

“I see!”

“Lil' Robert and George are like most of us – we think we have to get it together all by ourselves. No. Grayson understands it best. He doesn't have to do it all by himself. Andrew is more than willing to help him. Sometimes, like today, they all figure it out together. They, and we, are all growing at different rates, but this is the thing: the more my younger grandsons become like Andrew, the more they please their grandfather. They get that.”

Lt. Truss smiled incredulously.

“The Father wants me to become more like His only begotten Son, and He will gladly help me do that!”

“He will insist that you do that – but remember, Lieutenant, you'll still always be George Hardy Truss, just like George Ludlow will never be Andrew Ludlow. But little George looking up to and modeling after his brother Andrew allows George to be the best George he can be. So … .”

“I get it,” Lt. Truss said. “I get it! The Spirit is showing me as we speak! Everything is clear now! Everything is clear! I know what to do now – not all the details, but I know – I know that I will know, as I need to do it, and if He will give me the power, then I can!”

“You can, because He will,” Capt. Ludlow said. “I am a living witness.”

Lt. Truss took out his phone.

“I know there are a few things I need to do right now,” he said. “You know how Don Giovanni's catalog of women is well over 1,000? I'm not quite at that level, but … uh … I'm closing my book and throwing away the whole catalog, right now. Excuse me.”

Lt. Truss left his food, and Capt. Ludlow took a fresh napkin and covered it for him, and then took another napkin and quickly dabbed at his eyes.

Lt. Catalano came running over, tears streaming down his face--.

“Halt!” Capt. Ludlow ordered. “Don't do it, Catalano! I will be up on top of these tables screaming and dancing, and as an old Southern White man I am not ready to be committed to the asylum for even attempting to do what I have no ability to do!”

“I think Mr. Dubois and Mr. Jubilee would happily teach you their happy dance at a time like this!” Lt. Catalano cried. “I've been praying and praying and praying, and now –.”

“Don't do it, Catalano! Not yet! Let Lt. Truss settle into all of this! Let him have this time with his Father in Heaven, getting an understanding! We know this whole cul-de-sac could go up, overjoyed, but not yet!”


This was so touching.

I thought of all the things I have learned about how to live in the family of God while working with my Sunday School Students... a life of simple faith ... and of watching the older ones mature into young adults, and with God, slowly but surely ... and about how in some ways for me as an adult, the stripping of the rituals of church have helped me have time for real fellowship with believers everywhere... it's fiction, but about real things ...

I can tell that you write from the heart, and this is why you are so good at it.