Zapfic 50: Boiling Over (Day 1471 prompt)

in Freewriters3 years ago

Boiling over – that's a place, a stage, a state of trouble.
Anger, malice, wrath, strife –
Better turn that heat down … or steam yourself right out of here!
Whole lives have boiled away stirring their pot of too much pride and ego.
Don't let it happen to you!


very good advice

Someone in Florida just caught a 15-year felony setup over this very thing, YESTERDAY...

As my husband would say, it is always happening in Flori-DUH

Well .. we on the Left Coast can't have ALL the foolery ... sad enough to say, there's way too much to go around...

It can happen in an instant if you're not careful. You need a cool head to sort out situations before you do or say irreparable harm.

In an instant ... we have to CONSTANTLY be working on ourselves to avoid these self-inflicted tragedies!

It'll never happen to me