
lol. I bundled him up too. He wore a sheepskin rug, fastened with duct tape. Doggie earmuffs. He wasn't interested in hot chocolate, so I left him out there. He turned into an ice sculpture. This did not help my case.

Fiction, dahlink. I got busted for not complying with medical advice, and that child didn't make it past 27, he was thenceforth so heavily medicated for this or that he was poisoned to death.

I'm reading The Glass Castle. The things people did with or to their kids then and there would absolutely result in the kids being removed from their homes, placed in foster care, and probably trafficked. We have to be really careful now! Or just keep our kids out of the schools and doctors offices.

That I even thought your story could possibly be true speaks volumes. We had what we called 'the social' at our door many times and one child removed from the home. It's not my story so I won't tell it, but I can say he was never the same again, alive but not living.
I know (some of) your heartbreaking story and that little picture of your son is forever etched in my memory, though I cannot even imagine the pain of the loss of a child.