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RE: Let’s Fight Like Hell For The Living, a freewrite

in Freewriters9 months ago

Sometimes I look around and see a great awakening. Then I talk to my friends, all needlecrafted, all of them going about their business as if everything's normal. Then I wonder if it's me who's crazy.
Great piece of writing!


Thanks. I like this one a lot.

It's astonishing how many people can't see or feel that their lives are unraveling, and that the more they hold on to them, the more they stand to lose. Those same people applaud actions by the UN, WHO and especially Bill Gates. These people nearly all seem to be anxious, depressed, and very fearful of a great many things, but not the things that scare me. It is very illuminating how differently ww see things, which speaks to the different realities we live in. I know reality is personal, there is no one true reality, but they are certain the way they see the world is the way it is. They will, I fear, be very vulnerable when the illusion that we are being relentlessly fed can no longer be maintained.

We are fed illusions. It's still rampant.
First, we hear that some people refuse transfusions of blood from the vaccinated:
Why is the FDA Contaminating America’s Blood Supply?
Next, I go in search of more information. What reassurances can the Red Cross offer us about the safety of blood from donors who got the jab?

Blood donations from those who have been vaccinated for COVID-19 are safe for transfusion. Similar to other vaccines such as measles, mumps or influenza, the COVID-19 vaccine is designed to generate an immune response to help protect an individual from illness, but vaccine components themselves are not found within the bloodstream.

Um, no, this doesn't really address the concerns.
The fear is not that someone would contract Covid from a vaccinated donor.
It's all the blood clots and RNA damage.
I asked a funeral home director if he'd seen what others have reported: that embalmers have seen a huge increase in blood clots among the dead.
He quickly changed the subject.

Wow! What a good question to ask of embalmers, and coroners. Hit them in their faces with it. It doesn't matter much if they respond in any way. It matters that they know, and that the questioner knows. They will quietly tell their loved ones, and those relatives will know. I hope I have the guts to ask an embalmer that question. I do know that, when Niko died in mid 2022, it took a very long time to get the death certificate because, I was told by the funeral director, that there had been so many recent unexplained deaths requiring inquests that there was a huge backlog for the coroner.

We need our embalmers and coroners to grow some balls. I wonder what they are afraid of? I knpw doctors are afraid of losing their jobs and not being able to find another. Same for major media employees. What is over, or into, the heads of those who handle the bodies after death?