HRD Encourages Government to Appoint 35 Thousand Professional Assistants to Become PPPK.

in Freewriters10 months ago


HRD Encourages Government to Appoint 35 Thousand Professional Assistants to Become PPPK.

Member of Commission V of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI) from the National Awakening Party (PKB) faction, Ruslan M Daud, familiarly known as HRD, held a coordination meeting and friendly meeting of Professional Assistants for the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program (TPP P3MD), Bireuen Regency located in the old hall of the Bireuen Regional Secretariat, Sunday, 03/09/2023.

To date, there are 35 thousand Professional Assistance Teams (TPP) throughout Indonesia whose existence and role are still very much needed to help the government to implement Village Law Number 6 of 2014, concerning villages.

Professional Facilitators have a big role in implementing the Village Law, and also play a role in making village management a success. "So we must encourage the state to pay attention to the Professional Assistance Team (TPP) and be appointed as Government Employees with a Work Agreement (P3K)," said HRD.


He added that the state is expected to pay attention to the continuity of the TPP, which is a biological child of the Ministry of Villages, so that all of them can be appointed as Government Employees with a Work Agreement (P3K).

"Village assistants are said to be biological children of the Ministry of Villages, and the number is 35 thousand and requires a budget of IDR 1.6 trillion APBN for their work, because their role is very large, next year the DPR has agreed to push the budget to increase to IDR 2 trillion for village assistants," said HRD, greeted with approval. village companion.

Apart from that, HRD also conveyed that various programs for Aceh had been implemented during his time as a member of the DPR-RI, in collaboration with the Ministry of Transportation, the Ministry of PUPR and with other ministries.


With only 1.1 years remaining in his position, in 2024, he will still be able to discuss the budget to encourage various development and economic empowerment programs for the people of Aceh, and especially in Bireuen Regency.

Apart from that, in line with Law Number 18 of 2019, concerning Islamic boarding schools. HRD is also planning in the future to encourage the central government to add one more minister to the cabinet, namely the minister for Dayah.

Hopefully the minister of dayah can come forward, this is also thanks to the thoughts of the scholars that I brought to the national level. For example, in Aceh there are currently Islamic boarding schools, Islamic boarding schools exist because there is already a legal umbrella, so there are no differences in education," he concluded.
















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