Hunting for takjil and breaking fast at the mosque, Tuesday, 28/03/2023.

in Freewriterslast year


Best wishes to you.
How are you friends today..?
See that question mark, I hope today will be a good start to achieve good fortune, which is better than the previous days.

Today's activity I started at around 08.00. WIB, after taking my wife to her office, I immediately returned home. What I do is get ready to go to the rice fields, after the preparations are complete, I immediately set off with my beloved children.

Arriving at the rice fields, the children were busy with their activities. While I was busy with activities as a farmer, the hot sun and fresh air made this morning's activities a little tired.

What I do is clean the paddy fields, take care of the rice, and observe the rice. Cleaning or cutting weeds that grow around the fields is an important activity today.

I also took the time to rest at Jamboe (rangkang) several times to unwind. After the activities in the fields were finished, the children and I immediately returned home to continue other activities.

After cleaning myself and resting for a while, the activity that I do at home is cleaning the back of the house. Apart from cleaning the backyard, I also clean the aviary, the backyard drain, and the storage shed.



I do this work with enthusiasm, although sometimes I have to take a short break from this activity. Since I was in a state of fasting, I did the work at a leisurely pace without rushing.

Finished with these activities, I immediately cleaned myself and rested with my beloved family at home.

While the activities that I do in the afternoon are buying food and drinks to break the fast, besides that I also enjoy the beauty and bustle of the city of Bireuen.

The heavy traffic and traffic jams made me a little tired of driving a vehicle. The crowds of people hunting for takjil resulted in a total traffic jam in the city of Bireuen. After enjoying the traffic jam, my family and I finally arrived at the seasonal market in Bireuen.

In this market my family and I immediately hunted for some takjil (food and drinks for breaking the fast). Bireuen Typical Pansit Noodles became the first menu we were looking for, then we bought several types of wet cakes and fried foods.

Done with buying the food, then we bought cendol ice for breaking the fast. I also didn't forget to buy several packs of Kanji Typical Aceh for the congregation breaking their fast at the mosque.

After the takjil hunt was over, my family and I immediately enjoyed the beauty of the city of Bireuen. My family and I go around the city while enjoying the atmosphere of traffic jams that rarely occur, traffic jams in Bireuen only occur during the holy month of Ramadan.



After the walk, my family and I immediately returned home to continue other activities. When I got home, I immediately cleaned myself and got ready to perform the Maghrib prayer and break my fast at the mosque.

After performing the Maghrib prayer, I and the congregation of the mosque immediately enjoyed food and drinks to break the fast. Even if it's just breaking the fast, it's a blessing for all of us.

When I have free time, I always make time to break my fast at the mosque with other congregations. It feels peaceful when you break your fast at the mosque, happiness feels blazing even though you break your fast with simple food and drinks.

So, actually there are great benefits that we get when breaking the fast together at the mosque. In addition to being grateful and accepting the sadaqah of the community members, we have a friendly relationship between us. At least, from breaking the fast together there is a value of togetherness and brotherhood that is maintained.

After breaking the fast together at the mosque, I immediately returned home to continue my next activity. Upon arrival at home, I immediately met with my beloved family. I immediately ordered them to get ready for the mosque, our family and I immediately performed the Isya and Tarawih prayers at the mosque.

After performing the Tarawih prayer, around 22.30. WIB, I immediately headed to WD Coffee Shop Bireuen. My goal to this place is none other than to meet some friends, while enjoying a cup of coffee without sugar.

The meeting discussed the problems of the Cryptocurrency world, we discussed several digital currencies that will skyrocket next month. Apart from that, I also share a little education with friends about the world of crypto trading.


After the meeting was over, I immediately said goodbye to my colleagues. Around 00.30. WIB, I left the place and immediately returned home to rest.

This is the journey of life that I went through on Tuesday, 28/03/2023, I hope my writing can provide benefits t for all of us. Sorry if there are any wrong words in this writing, Thank you.


Thank you for your extensive question to the entire community, here, thank God, everything is fine, I hope you are having a good time with your loved ones.