One Unit of House of Teupok Tunong Bireuen Residents Was Damaged Due to Being Crushed by a Fallen Tree.

in Freewriterslast year


One Unit of House of Teupok Tunong Bireuen Residents Was Damaged Due to Being Crushed by a Fallen Tree.

As a result of heavy rain accompanied by strong winds that hit the Bireuen Regency area on Sunday, 05/14/2023, one house was damaged by a fallen tree.

The house belonging to Agani Yahya, a resident of Teupok Tunong Village, Jeumpa District, Bireuen District, Aceh Province, was damaged by a falling tree. Agani Yahya occupies the house with his wife and a child, the house they live in is damaged on the roof and walls.

Agani Yahya's house was damaged at around 22.00. WIB, according to information the incident occurred when heavy rain accompanied by strong winds hit the area. At the time of the incident, he and his family were at home. Suddenly a tree in the yard of the house fell and hit the roof of the house, as a result of the accident the house was damaged on the roof and walls.

Meanwhile, the Chief Coordinator of the Bireuen Disaster Preparedness Cadets Zulfikar in the disaster release stated that one housing unit was damaged by a fallen tree. The accident occurred on Sunday, 14/05/2023, around 22.00. WIB. The house belongs to Agani Yahya, a resident of Teupok Tunong Village, Jeumpa District, Bireuen.

The victim data is Agani Yahya as the head of the family, Nuriah Hasan (wife) and Sarbunih (child). His house was damaged on the roof and walls, there were no casualties in the disaster.









Hmmm... The heavy rain that has been falling recently is helpful as far as it doesn't lead to destruction of lives and properties.

It's a pity that the house got destroyed, but the good news is that no life was lost.