A Moonlit Night!

in Freewriters7 months ago

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A tranquil night
a Celestial sight
a Galaxy of Stars
an entrancing light...

I see your radiance
in the quiet hours,
that dizzying charm,
In my dawning moments...

Day by day
a gift luminous
ray by ray
Love's tender glow...

In Ma's woven tales
you are the flowing silvery Ocean
you are the hush of the winds
I can feel your gentle touch ...

Silence in the still dark night
dreams beneath your prying gaze
An angel slowly calling out
these are tastes that linger on...

In your magic, you hold my hand
'til I danced my first dance
two hearts in a Moonlit night
searching for Love's secret sanctuary...

An original poem written by me.

Thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.


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