Broken Rules!

in Freewriters8 months ago


I willed to tear my eyes
away from his piercing gaze
I willed to unheed the dream
lidded by his thick dark lashes...

Only a sound of silence
with a million shades and hues
only a soft gleam of the Sun
in his very beautiful eyes...

My heart on chaotic default
I don't know what to say
a caravan of sundry thoughts
roaming where it wants...

It is a wild wild world
I had my rules made
' once bitten, twice shy '
I never would fall again...

On Love's sacred altar
withered roses and dying petals
I never would adorn this way again
with the beauty of my tears...

I am a chameleon changing
always here or there
for love's complex game
has me trapped in his arms again...

Love finds its Sacred Place
and I break all the rules
even when I don't want to
just heeding Love's call...

An original poem written by me.

Thank you for stopping by my neighbourhood.