Are you a Prodigious or Under Accumulator of Wealth?

in Freewriters3 years ago

I have been crying lately thinking about the world as it is. I am being sincere. I just finished a book titled "The millionaire next door" and I cried over each page because of the hurtful yet truthful revelations that I found.

The book centers around our finances and how each of us is either in the PAW or UAW category depending on our spending habits.

The whole idea is that we suck at investing if we are spenders of all the dime that gets into our hands. And we will be better at investing, if we pay close attention to where our money goes, and direct a few percent towards building our financial freedom.

We should learn about our finances everyday

In the course of reading I found out, most of us inherited the nature of spending everything we earn from our parents. And most of us who are beneficiaries of Economic Outpatient Care(EOC) are terrible at handling finance because of the mentality that our parent's wealth belong to us. It is so sad. This is the truth, it hurt, it made me teary.

Other facts included how PAW parents try hard to make sure we do not experience hardship by trying to lower the burdens we get to have. They do this by using the EOC or sending us to good school to become employees instead of people who care about their fiances enough to build wealth.

The boy continues to grin. Now, that I have read this, do you think I will be found in the category of the Paw or the UAW, it depends on me. I may decide to stay on this course or look for alternative means by which I can handle my finances so that I do not end up living a life of fear or restlessness because of my finances.

Instead of yearning for the lifestyle of the UAW who are accustomed to living high, I will settle for that of the PAW who are constantly searching and learning about their finances, and making worthy investments for the future. They are not big spenders who are out to please. They are the folks who understands that money is difficult to get, so it should not be spend without a care in the world.

I will take up the path of the PAW, and I am already grinning as I write this because I have found, the path to wealth and I am not planning to let go. Yes, this boy continues to grin. The smile on my face is one of realization. Understanding makes us act on certain things, and then makes us refrain from acting on certain ones.

The dog barked at the fence. My God! Is that the sign of conviction or warning? I don't know. If the dog is barking to show I am taking the right path, so be it. Albeit, if he is warning me that this will be a difficult and scary path, so be it. I am willing to take this path as long as it takes me to financial freedom and I will not stop. I do not worry over the things other people will say especially if they are in the category of the UAW. They can keep their opinions to themselves.

I want a life free from the worries of Money and if it is taking the path of proper investment procedure, I will take it. If I need to live by a certain percentage of my income. I will do that.

I do not blame my parents for thinking the path of being educated was the right path for me, no. With the intellectual development received, I will be able to solely function in a bad economy and still thrive. I will be able to thrive in a good economy. Then my financial freedom will be one step at a time.

PS: PAW used in this text means, Prodigious Accumulator of Wealth and UAW means Under Accumulator of Wealth. I didn't wait and fill in the details since this was a timed free write.


This is a well-done non-fiction approach that was informational as well ... unusual, but, it works!

(Greetings from a fellow PAW, in process)

Thank you very much ma'am. I was scared it wouldn't work, but I am glad it did. Looking forward to more prompt.

Greetings from a fellow PAW, in process

Greetings to you ma'am, see you at the top of the wealth ladder.

Education is never anything to be taken for granted :) so your parents did well to provide that for you!

but... i agree
too many parents don't focus on the importance of sharing "debt-free living" with their children. it is VITAL.

and i include myself there - FOR A TIME - but not long! my children are already WAY ahead of the curve in their savings for their future. All of it set aside in places they cannot touch and where it continues to compound interest for them!!


Of course, my parents did great by letting me gain exposure to education, and I am grateful for that.

Yes, parents ought to share the Debt-Free Living with all of their children, it's important.

I am Pleased to know your children are already in the right track. You did a wonderful job teaching them the essence of compounding.... Well done


Thank you very much ma'am