My eternal teacher



From the moment I opened my eyes, my first world was my mother's womb, where I found security, warmth and unconditional love, but the time came to go out and face new challenges.

My first restaurant was my mother's teat, where I satisfied my hunger and found comfort, her accelerated heartbeat and skin-to-skin contact filled me with tenderness.

My first bath was in my mother's lap, where I felt protected while she gently caressed me with her loving hands.

My first school was my mother's kitchen, where I learned to savour the ingredients of life, where she taught me to mix flavours, to experiment with textures and to discover the love that is cooked in every dish.

My first teacher was my mother, who taught me valuable lessons beyond the classroom, her words of encouragement, her patience and her example guided me along the path of life.

Although I grew up and explored new horizons, I will always remember with gratitude the womb that sheltered me, the teat that fed me, the lap that bathed me and the kitchen that taught me.

My mother, my eternal teacher, left indelible marks on my heart.