The hunted hunter



The man's eyes, sharpened by years of hunting others, sensed an unseen threat looming in the dark alley.

As he and the inspector closed in on the trail of his killer, he began to feel the hair on the back of his neck stand on end.

A shadow slipped into the shadows around him, its presence cold and heavy though nothing could be seen.

Her instincts screamed that they had become hunted, but from what?

Then her partner shrieked: something had dragged her into the void.

He drew his knife, whirling uselessly as the presence surrounded him.

A low chuckle echoed everywhere and nowhere at once.

In the deepest darkness, two points of light shone like the eyes of an animal.

A shiver ran through his soul as the laughter whispered:

-Now it's your turn, Mr. Assassin. Let's see who hunts who in the darkness in between.