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RE: Safety Last But Not Least, a freewrite poem

in Freewriters4 months ago

That's the dream of so many I know! Maybe the days of the ruling class holding our lives hostage (financially, physically, psychologically, spiritually) is coming to a close. With so many people wishing for simplicity, freedom, and peace those in power can't keep their system going forever.


We willingly submitted, because they frightened us into arranging our lives so that we needed them. The days that are coming to a close are those in which we cannot see this. It's so freaking simple. Without our belief in them, they cannot exist here. There will be a difficult transition for sure, but we must stop supporting the ruling class by believing it has the right to rule. That is the illusion, that anyone must rule at all. They've shackled our minds.

So true! Those mental shackles are the most difficult to break but they still can be.