Don't Protect him...

in Freewriters2 months ago


We all need protection, and we even crave the protection. A lot of folks move from pillar to post just so dey can have protection. People pay millions just so they can feel protected.

When protection fails, our security is compromised and anything can happen. Which is why there is chaos anytime a threat to security is noticed, people run here and there seeking refuge. That's a bad spot to be in.

As much as we want to stay protected, we also love to protect the ones we love. So, they can stay safe from evil. Which is why I wonder why someone would want a person not to be protected, that's really bad.

Even your enemy needs protection.
I know how it sounds, but then we all need the help we can get. We watch each others back, and we will all be okay.

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You're right @ezun1 even our enemies needs protection too. Everyone wants to have a secured life because we fear of what sufferings will bring to us.

I'm glad you agree...