
Thanks a ton. I normally make a ton of spelling mistakes as I rush to finish my main idea, but then after the 5 minutes I go back and fix my errors. I almost didn't finish this one. I had some more examples I wanted to use but I ran out of time. These little freewrites are fun, but quite stressful sometimes. =P

Thanks for your kind words =)

Huh ha, thats ok, 😃, we all do mistake often when we type ; both slowly and on the moment when we are fast.

But, a good write is not justified by spelling mistakes, but with the content of the item which judges the basics of the write.Here, for example you passed in all the parameters.

So, good to talk with you, you are one of a gentle authors I met so far.
Keep this up for a long time, may you prosper in the future...
Take care, 👍👏,
@scrooger .