Lily and the Most Beautiful Pumpkin ~ 5 Minute Freewrite ~ Pumpkin

in Freewriters4 years ago (edited)

Lily's eyes grew narrow as she crouched around the box full of pumpkins. She gently touched the glossy skin of one, but shook her had. The stem was too straight and thick. It would never do. Another caught her attention, but as she reached her finger tips to it, she noticed the rough bumps that had grown, and she wrinkled her nose. It can't look like a witch's face, she thought. No, she needed to find one that was just...

And there it was, nestled under three larger pumpkins. She knew it was it. The curl of the stem, the way it hung over like it had been plucked from the fairy godmother's garden herself. Yes, that would be her pumpkin this year.

Lily reached out and tried to tug it up, but the other's were too heavy. She sighed and put her hands on her hips, then rubbed her chin like her daddy did when he was thinking heavy about something.

She noticed little notches in the cardboard box that were just right for her toes. Yes, now she had it! She would climb on top and roll the others out of the way. She only felt kind of bad for the other pumpkins, but she couldn't be bothered with those thoughts now.

She hooked her right foot in first, then grabbed each side, and pulled her left knee up and over the edge, scrapping her skin slightly, but she didn't notice. As she pulled at the closest pumpkin with little success, a familiar voice sounded right behind her.

“Lily Pad, do you think you could use some help?”

A giggle slipped through her lips. “Maybe, Papa...the pumpkins just won't listen to me.” She huffed as he scooped her under the arms and placed her gently to the ground.

“Which one ya after?” he asked.

“That the middle with the curly end,” she pointed a little round finger.

“Ahhhh...I see it.” Without much effort, Lily's papa shifted the stubborn pumpkins out of the way and pulled out the most round, most beautiful pumpkin she had ever seen. “This one then?” he asked, and she nodded with wide eyes. “I'd imagine so,” Papa said. “It looks like it was grown right in the middle of the fairy godmother's pumpkin patch.”

Thanks so much for reading! If you are interested in doing any freewrites, please visit @mariannewest!

Image by Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto from Pixabay

Much love,
Stacie D

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I enjoyed this freewrite. The beginning really paints a good picture of picking out a pumpkin. Brings right into when I was a kid trying to get the right pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. =D

Haha that's great! Just what I was going for. Thanks for reading it!

Well written @freedomtowrite, and a very enjoyable fairy tale with a happy ending and all, it's awesome.

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Thank you!!

Thanks @freedomtowrite, and keep on creating awesome content.

The perfect pumpkin is rarely easy to reach, right?

Ahhhh I've missed you! And yes they are hard to find!

I've missed you, too! I am trying to get back into freewrites more regularly.

Me too...I've described it as little therapy sessions lol. Exploring other emotions...creating characters to live feels good.

I like that way of describing it.

Nice work Stacie 💕

A very sweet story. Loved it.