A Picture is Worth A Thousand Words - 10/2/2021

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)

A picture is worth.jpg

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

We all have heard this saying and have come across pictures that evoked all kinds of reactions in us. In this contest, we are presenting a photo/picture to write about.


  • Describe what you see
  • Describe what you feel
  • Write a story or poem about what you think is going
  • Use #pic1000
  • Leave the link to your entry in the comment section (preferable peakd this saves us a lot of extra work)

Of course, we expect original work.

If the story that pours out of you after seeing the visual prompt is not obviously connected to the photo, please include a short paragraph how the prompt led you to the story.


Write as much or as little to say what you want to say. You are invited to craft a longer story but we don't want to ask for a certain wordcount.


For now, this is going to be a reward for participating this contest.

For now each participant will receive an upvote and we'll reward six entries willl be rewarded with 1 HBI.

Looking for sponsors of the contest.

If you are interested leave a comment or message Marianne on Discord mariannewest#6102

Participants 9/24/2021

The first six entries mentioned receive 1 HBI

A picture is worth a thousand words

New Year celebration

A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is worth a thousand words

A picture is worth 1000 words

Nani's first holi

A picture is worth a thousand words

Yamir at the holi festival

Missionary of hope

Too much

We highly encourage you to participate in this contest.

You have 5 days from publishing this post to submit your entry.

I will not search for entries!
Please leave the entire link (preferably peakd) to your post in the comments to be eligible for prizes.
If you do not write in English add an English translation.

Tell a friend!

Freewrite House.png

Write with us every day using the Daily Freewrite Prompt!

Check @mariannewest and look for these graphics


#freewritehouse #pic1000 #contest #pictureprompt #creativewriting #innerblocks


thank you so much for choosing my post, I am delighted to be chosen even though this is my first post in the free writers community. I will flex and train my writing muscle more in here. Happy to join you all here.

Success is good my friend, welcome

We hope to read you again. 👍

Thank you, I am surprised that I was in the top 6, much appreciated.

You made it,

You did a great job and it's well deserved. We hope to read you again.

thank you

Buenas tardes a mis queridos amigos de #hive y de #Freewriters.
Por aquí estoy con otra participación esperando sea del agrado de ustedes. 😉


Good afternoon to my dear friends of #hive and #Freewriters.
Here I am with another participation hoping it will be to your liking. 😉

mi participación /hive-161155/@devania/cristobal-and-francisca-a-friendship-without-agecristobal-y-francisca-una-amistad-sin-edad-a-picture-is-worth-a-thousan

They was a mistake in dropping your link, copy and paste it again, so that, the judge's can be able to see your story, thanks

thanks you for the notification

You are welcome

Here we go again. Been so busy, I have really missed writing here. But looking at the picture for this week, u just knew nothing could stop me from writing on this. Except God tho😊


Here's my entry. I totally forgot to drop my link here. I hope I'm not too late.


Hi my friends freewriters, this is my participación:
