What They Think : A Freewrite

in Freewriterslast year

It's very funny when people think that they are not going to make it in life because of things that are seen around them and how many of these things have affected them in so many ways. Because of this many people have come to limit themselves and don't think they don't think well they don't have any good things they want to do with their life anymore and they feel so bad because things are not moving well as they thought, therefore they are not doing themselves any good and is making them be depressed over time when they did not achieve what the plans to actually with their life. Many people because of this have come to be backward and life and they don't have any plans to move forward to the next Christmas in their life thereby making them limited in everything possible when it comes to life living and enjoying life to the fullness this has also been passed on onto that genetic code which is part of their genre making them be limited and thought the person this limitation to their children also making them limited to creating an entire generation of limited and average people, therefore they become very quiet and introverted this day this their introvert does not mean that they are quite is because they are average and you don't see anything good in themselves anymore.