Time Warp (Part 2)

in Freewriters3 years ago


From time to time my feet would lead me to that run down shop and when I capture the mannequin wearing a gown in my peripheral view. I heard a scream and I saw you chasing the guy that is running in my direction.

“Thief! Give back my bag you jerk!"

I heard you shout in rage while catching your breath. I grabbed your slipper from my bag and slapped the robber’s face with it. He fell down and dropped your bag. The situation was handled safely when the policemen arrived. You thank me over and over again. You said you were so grateful that you keep bowing to me and for some reason I’m feeling giddy. You ask my phone number without you getting my name. I once again walk home without your name and with your slipper in my hand.


I eagerly waited for your call but I never receive one. It is the month of October, and just like time, your call seems to have passed me.

I was riding a cab when the traffic light signals for the people to cross the street. I saw a glimpse of a white blowy dress sway with the crowd. You're right in front of me crossing to the other side of the street. I was about to call your attention when I heard a whisper from the back of my mind that you might not recognize me.

So I held back and watch you walk away, right in front of me.

You seem to love white.

It's funny how I seem to spot you a lot from a distance, and you never seem to catch me gaze at you.

You never seem to notice my existence, while your presence had caught all my attention.


It’s time to put oout those jack-o-lanterns before it gets too dark outside. My doorbell will keep on ringing tonight, might as well prepare a pack of candies for the children.

Here is your plan Earl - get five pieces of candies, drop it on their basket, and close the door. Do not entertain them.

I feel crazy talking to myself.

My doorbell rings, and when I opened the door, it's you.

Wearing a wedding gown, covered in blood, merrily yelling out 'trick or treat' with the kids.

The twinkle in your eyes tells me that you have forgotten about me.

I close the door, for the ghost of your smile haunted me. It creeps through my spine. And your cheerful voice sent chill unto my bones, knowing that you don’t remember even the slipper you lent me.

For the first time, I didn’t witness you walk away from me.


Even if you can’t remember me, the ghost of your smile keep visiting me.

I can’t conceal myself to stop visiting the place where I first met you. I am standing in front of it, and then I see you from the show window, wearing a gown, twirling in front of the mirror.

You catch me looking at you. You suddenly remove it from yourself and return it to the mannequin. I tried to hold back my laughter but I can’t. You came out of the shop, embarrassed, and I find it rather cute.

“Sorry for that, sir. Are you here to buy something for your partner?” you asked me innocently.

”Yeah! I wish I have someone whom I can buy this kind of stuff for," I answered.

I don't want you to think I'm married or in a relationship. Because I only want you.

“Sorry sir, most of the customers that comes here are married or getting married. What are you looking for?”

“Do you have a lace that is designed with rose and knitted in white?” I asked, thinking that the lace would be perfect for you.


Everyone is lively due to the Christmas vibe. My phone vibrated, showing an unknown number on my screen. I pick it up, and it's you.

You were apologizing because it took you long to call me. You suddenly asked if we can meet up. I say yes, obviously.

We meet up to the restaurant where I saw all those days and weeks and months ago. And now I am sitting across from you at this table.

You said your name is Thalia.

I go home with your name and slipper. Yup, I forgot to return it to you.


I am at the side of the road waiting for a cab to pick me up, when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

“Morning Earl! Off to work?”

“Thalia, morning! Yes, I am waiting for a cab.”

I have to run. There’s a sale at the grocery, and I can’t afford to miss it. I return your wave and smile.

I laugh as I leave, because for the first time, I'm walking away from you.


The snow is falling from the sky. The cold weather gives me a reason to long for you.

Nice thought Cinderella man.

I am inside a cake shop waiting for my order to be wrapped. The door chimes. And there you are again. I was only thinking of you and now you are right in front of me. I try to get your attention.

“Thalia! Are you here to buy a cake?”

You look at me and smile.

“Oh! Hi Earl, Merry Christmas. I am here to pick up the cake I ordered for my Father’s birthday," you answered.

And then you say, "Why don't you join us for the party?"

You suddenly invited me and all I do is nod.

I love the atmosphere of your house.

I tell you about the slipper and you say, “keep it as a token, that once in your life you became Cinderella.”

Luck I had with me the lace I bought from your shop, giving it to you as a gratitude, but that is just an excuse because I really bought it for you.

This was the best Christmas ever.


We became good friends and often meet outside. I helped you with the run down shop and saw how you knit. We shop together and eat out.

But then one day the fingers that are knitting those laces and are fixing the gowns for the mannequin, are on the ground, soaked in blood.

The air-piercing sound of the ambulance had taken you away.

I saw you get stabbed by a stranger, as he snatched your bag.

Time is moving yet I can’t take a step from my spot. My body gets numb from the rain.


What is this? If I am Cinderella, then why is it that you did not wait for the clock to strike twelve?

I just learned your name, but didn't get to dance with you in the hall.

It’s saddening for this Cinderella man, to never seem to achieve that happily ever after.

So I am standing here on you grave, lighting a candle, giving you the flowers I picked, wearing a spooky bow tie, and carrying the heavy pain in my heart.

Just looking at that single slipper feels like stepping in a time warp. Where this Cinderella man’s castle is full of flashbacks and throwbacks. And as it resets from the start, it causes my heart to stigmatize.

For I miss your lovely smile. Your wavy hair. Your scent. Like a rose soaked in honey and milk.

Your on and off presence, your cherry voice when you say my name.

Everything about you.

I love pronouncing your name as it plays with my tongue.


This warp of time chanted a fairy tale. For even the mannequin displayed in that run down shop never could raise the veil of that pure gown.

You never got to wear the gown either.

And I missed happiness, just by a little stroke of time.


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