Immortality and staying forever young

in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)

About a week or two ago on the weekend engagement community, we talked about what we will do if we can be immortal for a weekend. The question was raised by @galenkp . Everyone talked about different things they will do, I also wrote something on it.

However, today I'll be talking about ways to be immortal/ evergreen / forever young. Having a superpower might be a farce but even without it, one can remain relevant even after his death. I’ve written an article about this on the other blog where I write about a year ago but this article will be different in some ways.

What if I tell you that your name can be immortal in different ways? We have some names permanently written in history, we have some legacies passed on from generation to generation. Here are 3 ways of remaining forever young

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Sing or write a song

You might be wondering why this is a way of remaining evergreen when we have so many musicians all over the world whose song isn’t known and some whose song only tended for some weeks or months.
The purpose of a song will determine whether it will outlive the singer. We have songs with lyrics that are universally appreciated. Michael Jackson’s “You are not alone, heal the world, Billie jean” are songs that still have relevance till today. So many kids sing this songs without knowing who sang it. Songs by Celine Dion, Beyonce, 2pac, Fela Kuti and many more are still relevant today because they carry messages that everyone can relate to. Song talk about humanity, undying love, war and so on.

However, today we have songs talking about sex, drugs and other nonsense, they trend for a while and fade as fast as they came.

Raise a child

Giving birth to a child is not enough, not everyone who gives birth to a child can be called a mother. One can adopt a child and be a mother to him or her. Raising a child in the right way is another way of being forever young. Your name remains relevant through the exploit of this child, even after leaving this world.

You don’t necessarily have to be the mother or father of the child to have an impact on the child’s life. A little support and an encouraging word can go a long way in boosting a child’s confidence and one thing about Kids is that they will never forget what you’ve done for them. There is no way I can tell my story without mentioning my elementary school teacher who believed in me when others didn’t, my mum who was my backbone when I was weak, whatsoever I do today is a reflection of their hard work.

Write a book
Books outlive their writers, but just like songs only books with a purpose. Writing just for writing sake won’t take one anywhere, but writing to pass a message to the public be it a controversial one or general knowledge with a unique style will remain evergreen.

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You don’t necessarily have to make your writings in a black-and-white form. I mean things are now easier, you don’t need to print out 1000 plus pages before your work will be regarded as a book. It can be in digital form. For example here on hive, you can make an impact with the things you write. It will forever be available online for people to read. Another way you can do this is by creating a name for yourself in whatsoever community you find yourself in.

I mentioned galenkp earlier, his weekend engagement prompts help a lot of people to know what to write for the weekend. Erikah’s newbie guide is generally appreciated by everyone. Personal, I have some people on my list, whose impact is felt by different users, myself included.
Your posts might not be reaching a lot of audiences today but just continue doing your thing, don’t lower the standard, someday your work will be appreciated. No matter the genre you pick, there is someone out there who will appreciate it.

Thanks for Reading! 🌿💙🕊


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From these aspects, it's very clear that living forever is possible. It's just like Michael Jackson, I know a lot of people that were given birth after his death but they know of him as if they met him in existence

Yay! 🤗
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