
in Freewriters2 years ago (edited)


How do we know what our prophecy is :-

and do the same thing and give up other tasks. Find your prophecy Remember that prophecy is not sought. Prophecy is sought. Add water, add fertilizer, arrange its sunshine then lightly enlarge in front of you Predation is irrigated in exactly the same way. It is a long process. It only takes a year

It is found too late. It is not found on the first day. It is found after many stumbling blocks. These failures provide direction towards your prophecy. You do one thing. You fail in it. You come back. Tired losers ask themselves, "Dude, I did my best. I did all the hard work that was passable. But I still did not succeed. It was not fun. I was not happy to earn money. No, it was not what you
wanted it to be.

Then your heart guides you from within. If you keep on praying Asma-e-Azam, you get guidance from nature. But you get prophecy too late. Find out what makes you happy. And what makes you good. And these two things don't have to be together. They're equal to each other if you enjoy writing and no one buys your information. They will starve to death if they continue walking on it.

Maybe you are a very good painter, now painting will sell you because you are very good at it. But if you spend 20, 25 years on it, it crosses each other and this is where the prophecy begins. In this way you are getting happiness from what you are doing and even if you are doing less then it becomes your prophecy.
There is no greater motivation in the world than success. There are so many successful people today, not all of whom we give examples of have reached success just by going through failure. People just don't show their failures. A child wants to know his prophecy at the age of 19, 20. And he starts working on it. Nothing like that happens. Financial stability is very important to reach the prophecy. You have a hobby. As long as it is benefiting you, it is your hobby. Benefiting but when your profession starts benefiting other people then it becomes a career then it makes money.

If a 19, 20 year old child comes to you and says that there is a prophecy, then he is lying. You tell him, son, go around the world. They will say that this is what I have to do. You need 100% authenticity in the prophecy. If you are not the authenticity yourself then the prophecy is useless. For the prophecy it is necessary that it is compatible with your personality. And it keeps changing. Yes, if you think that only one prophecy will be given to you and the problems of the world of religion will be solved, then it will not happen at all.
There are some difficult things. I hope you will understand.