Effect but Cryptocurrency In Africa

in Freewriters3 years ago (edited)


Africa is widely know as the home of poverty, but I strongly disagree with the notion. Many people believe this because Africa leaders are greedy. Truly Africa as large number of people living below $1 daily.
United Nation and other International organization as made donation to solve poverty in Africa.


Taking people out of poverty is beyond making donation. Winning poverty war is about bringing out the best in people.
Crypto as given Africa youth the opportunity to earn with their talent kindly check out @maxwellmarcute for proof. It as reduce poverty rate in Africa drastically. It also reduce crime rate in Africa society. Crime in Africa is a reflection of poverty.

Opportunity in crypto is much, you can earn by trading digital asset, content creation, you can earn been an exchanger and many more.


Africa is bless with great talent, crypto as given Africa youth like I, the opportunity to earn with our talent, I earn by creating good content.


Crypto is beyond making money but it help us build relationships, crypto as given Africa youth like I opportunity to develop good relationship with people from other part of the world.

Crypto as contributed to Africa economy, expect Africa leaders want to denied the fact. On the 5th of February 2021 the Nigeria Centra bank, place restriction on crypto currency transaction. Banks are not allow to process any transaction that is related to crypto.

I believe it's time for Africa leaders to look at the positive side of crypto,because it's the future of money. Nothing is constant, so money is not constant. Now it's easy for someone in America to send money to Ghana within a second.


I call Cryptopreneur life made easy, crypto is the future now.

To my fellow youth in Africa and all over the world. I will encourage you to aquire crypto education, get it now before it's too late. Position yourself for the future, because the future is now, and the future is Cryptopreneur.


I believe you. Crypto currency has helped alot of Africa people. Many Africans has become millionaire through crypto currency. Africa government need to legalize it more to us,so that poverty will run forever.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Africa is lacking behind because our government think in a small way.

That's many of our politicians are illiterate, that's while they buy certificate to rule

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

sounds like a job for NFTs and smart contracts on @telosnetwork wheer everyuone in Africas with TELOS or @telokanda tokens can vote on proposals to spoend a treasury which in TLOS or KANDA may become worth mroe than the4 regular nationakl treasuiries, which can and shoudl eb concerted over to TLOPS and hive !!!!!

actually you are lucky to have limited government, its a perfect place to start your own crypto gogvernance running in the minds and computers of its citizens.

You should look into https://Starlink.com i juyst bught $100 pre order for the $500 routers/dish + $100 a month data for a year , $2000 telos in a propsoal or saving up 1000 hive is all you nee dtoi do unt8ill its africa sytarlink launch in 2023 !

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