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RE: 5 Minute Freewrite: Tuesday - Prompt: first trial

in Freewriters2 years ago

Hello friend, sometimes you have to let go of little hurts that sometimes we didn't even know we were hurt, for example a greeting that never came, a hug, something we never dared to do or say, someone who doubted you, or offended you, even the gift you wanted and never got.

Other times the pain is stronger and the brain reminds us, but it is so strong that we do not want to feel it, and therefore, we do not tell anyone and we do not keep them, when we release that burden and recognize our pain the heart and the brain will be in harmony.

And harmony is peace.



Yeah, all you've said is true.
It's just the breakdown of what I should have written below my Zapfic.
Thanks for sharing such knowledge with me.