Daughter of Stone: My Freewrite for Day 937: 5 Minute Freewrite

in Freewriters4 years ago

This is my freewrite as inspired by the instructions and prompt given by @mariannewest for her Day 937: 5 Minute Freewrite: Thursday - Prompt: chiseled


cobbled from various pictures on pixabay

Daughter of Stone

The swirling patterns of blue and green danced across the surface of the fine marbled block like waves in the sea. Gepetto set to work as any good craftsmen would. He first visualized his dream. He saw it coming into form, a beautiful dryad with the face of his long deceased daughter. Oh how she laughed and played. It would be the perfect form for her.

He took his tools of trade to the hard stone surface and begin chipping away. Delicate probing strikes gave way to a heavier practiced hand as pieces of the trapped nymph slowly chipped away, falling to the floor in a shower of bluish green.

It was a commission for the new cathedral that was being built in town square. Now his daughter could live forever, adored by throngs of pilgrims. No one would ever know, but he. She would become time worn and immortal.

He continued to bring her to life. Days went by and long nights he toiled. At the noon strike of the clock on his daughters birthday he set down his chisel. He gazed into the beaming, smiling face of his daughter for the first time in ages. It was finished. How he loved her.

Thanks again for your time and attention!


Steem Monsters



This was extremely touching and evoked a lot of emotion in me. I love this freewrite!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm excited that these posts even get read honestly! It has made me more aware of what I can do. What a great community @freewritehouse.

You are a wordsmith. Keep up the good work! I love the freewrite community. If I had more motivation amidst life's upside-down pandemic, I'd write more. Take care.

Wow that was very beautiful @jackofcrows, and told with great emotion, thanks a lot for sharing, it's awesome.

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Love it! Who didn't like Who's line? Thanks!

Thanks @jackofcrows, and keep creating awesome content.