Mensaje diario de 5 minutos - Perrito - Por JJQF / Daily 5 minute message - Little dog - By JJQF

in Freewriterslast year

Fuente: Freepik

Hace algunos años tuve la oportunidad de que mi compadre me regalara un perrito pequeño mestizo para poder tener de nuevo una mascota luego de que nuestro perro anterior falleciera dada su edad, y mi compadre al enterarse de esto y al ver que tenía unos cachorros de su perra, decidió regalarnos uno de estos.

Mi compadre me llamó para que fuera a su casa, para que fuera a buscar algo, y en esto él me dice “compa, ya regreso”, y volvió con este cachorro totalmente negrito, con sus boticas blancas en sus brazos, recuerdo que estábamos emocionados en mi familia por tener nuevamente una mascota y que nos hiciera compañía en el hogar.

Lo cierto es que este perrito, que llamamos “Neptuno”, no duró mucho como pensábamos que podía estar en nuestras vidas, puesto que él duró alrededor de dos meses en nuestra casa, gracias a que se lo robaron de nuestra casa y nos lo quitaron de nuestras manos de una manera injusta y que lamentablemente no pudo ser recuperado.

Lo que ocurrió fue que nuestro cachorro estaba tranquilamente paseando por la noche en la terraza de la casa, cuando se infiltró un ladrón y este lo que hizo fue llevarse algunas cosas que teníamos ahí y en esto (supongo) salió Neptuno y como tenía la costumbre que de juego te mordía suavemente el tobillo, le mordió el tobillo al ladrón y este al ver como era este tan bonito la verdad, se lo llevó dejando algunas otras cosas en el lugar, pero llevándose nuestra mascota.

Fuente: Extraído del blog de @latino.romano para el mensaje diario de 5 minutos.

Este texto corresponde a mi participación en el reto diario del amigo @latino.romano y @mariannewest el cual tiene por regla que pueden ser: pensamientos, relatos, poemas, anécdotas, canciones o cualquier otra cosa que se te ocurra en cinco minutos. Les invito a participar, gracias por leer mi post y llegar hasta esta parte del mismo, gracias por el apoyo y no me despido sin previamente desearte un feliz día, tarde o noche, nos vemos en una próxima oportunidad.

English Translation

Source: Freepik

A few years ago I had the opportunity that my compadre gave me a mestizo little dog to have a pet again after our previous dog died because of his age, and my compadre when he found out about this and saw that he had some puppies from his dog, decided to give us one of these.

My compadre called me to go to his house, to get something, and he told me "compa, I'll be right back", and he came back with this black puppy, with his white boticas in his arms, I remember that we were excited in my family to have a pet again and to keep us company at home.

The truth is that this puppy, which we called "Neptune", did not last as long as we thought he could be in our lives, since he lasted about two months in our house, thanks to the fact that he was stolen from our house and taken from our hands in an unfair way and unfortunately could not be recovered.

What happened was that our puppy was calmly walking at night on the terrace of the house, when a thief infiltrated and what he did was to take some things that we had there and in this (I guess) Neptune came out and as he had the habit of gently biting your ankle, he bit the thief's ankle and when he saw how beautiful it was, he took him away leaving some other things in the place, but taking our pet with him.

Source: Extracted from @latino.romano's blog for the 5 minutes daily message.

This text corresponds to my participation in the daily challenge of my friend @latino.romano and @mariannewest which has as a rule that can be: thoughts, stories, poems, anecdotes, songs or anything else that comes to mind in five minutes. I invite you to participate, thank you for reading my post and get to this part of it, thanks for the support and I do not say goodbye without wishing you a happy day afternoon or evening, see you in a next opportunity.


How sad they stole from you and took a companion. :(

Greetings @wandrnrose7, it's like that the truth, sometimes when I think about it, I say what would be of my Neptune's life, the truth that it was a difficult time and looking at it in a certain way, even I would have preferred to take a tender and adorable puppy than some old stuff, thanks for commenting and for supporting a huge hug 🤗, God bless you, happy night, and sorry for the delay in the response I've had busy days.

No worries and God bless! Life is so busy for us, too.