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RE: Mensaje diario de 5 minutos - Masa de cuerpos - Por JJQF / Daily 5 minute message - Mass of bodies - By JJQF

in Freewriters2 years ago

Greetings @wandrnrose7, long time no hear from you here I admit I've been a little busy with some things, to go through the blogs I hope you are very well.
The truth is yes, I went on a tangent, taking it to the world of sports and motorsports, thanks for stopping by, a big hug and God bless you.


Hello, friend. Yes, life has taken a turn for hyper drive. My son and his two sons are staying here. The boys stay here every other week all week. My son's wife is divorcing him and he's sick with long covid. :( I pray all is well with you and yours.

Oh friend, what a matter with what is happening, I imagine that everything is more complicated with having everyone there, I hope the situation improves, and that everyone can also be well, I hope to God that your son gets better, the issue of prolonged covid is something that has always blown my mind. I will pray even more for all of you, happy day and God bless you.

Thank you. Your prayers mean a lot. Take care.