A COSTLY MISTAKE CAUSED BY MY MOTHER //marrying a guy because of his riches

in Freewriterslast year

This present generation are quick to accept the nature of a particular thing or person. In the side of a thing or object, individuals tends to judge the outer part of an object inside of investigating further to know how the inner part would like. Although they are both the same as most individuals as well judge the outer part of a person and concludes immediately that such a person is perfect. I will love to share a true life story to explain further. But before I start, this story is not to criticize any gender but just for the purpose of explaining why "parents should allow their children to marry who they love"
There was this beautiful young lady, that goes by the name Adaeze. She was a very disciplined and intelligent lady whom every parents in her community would want their daughter to emulate her character because, she was respectful, hardworking and God fearing. Adaeze was born into a humble home and was not envious of anyone. Even though she was not opportuned to go to university she was still better than most people that went to university because she was intelligent. As of that time she was in a relationship with an undergraduate student. Her parents were also in support of the relationship as well. Whenever there was a long vacation in school, her boyfriend, Ugochukwu, Ugo for short would visit her and they would spend quality time together to catch up. Things went on smoothly until when Ugo was in his final year. He wasn't coming back home like he used to due to the final year project he will write and his exams as well. At home Adaeze would call Ugo to know how he was coping in school but, each time she called she will not be able to reach him. This went on for some days, then months and even lasted up to year. She was restless. She even contacted his friends but all to no avail. Her friend Nnenna started to poison her mind by with statements like "your ugo has already been snatched by those university babes" and she should forget about him and move on with her life.
On one faithful evening, Adaeze was coming back from the market and was stopped by a man in a Lexus SUV to ask her for direction to a particular place. Fortunately for the man it was the same direction Adaeze was heading and asked her if she don't mind him dropping her, she politely declined but due to further persistence she accepted. The man dropped her in her compound, her mother was surprised seeing her daughter alighting from a big car. The young man greeted her mother and introduced himself as King Raymond Eze ego 1(King of money 1) it was after that day that her mother concluded that he was the right man for her daughter not Ugo.
King Raymond visited her house after few weeks with lots of gifts and money. He met only Adaeze's mother at home to discuss his marriage proposal he have for her daughter. Her mother concluded that it was settled and he should not worry that he will receive a positive reply soon. When Adaeze got home, her mother discussed this with her and was dissapointed with her mother for accepting the gift of a stranger.King Raymond kept on showering her mother with lots of exciting gifts and made countless promises to her if her daughter eventually agrees to marry him but Adaeze declined and told him that she was happily engaged to Ugo.
After much pressure from her mother, she eventually accepted King Raymond's marriage proposal. Few months later Ugo came back to visit Adaeze but was humiliated by her mother. He was shocked and wondered why she would do such thing, she decided to go to where he would find Adaeze but was also shocked to see an engagement ring on her finger. He tried explaining why he has not come back since his last visit, although Adaeze understood but it was too late. She even told him to try and pay her bride price before the wedding, but, Ugo did not have any money for marriage then. He told her that after his graduation he decided to search for a good job that will be enable him to take good care of her but have not been able to get any. As he was still discussing with her, King Raymond drove passed them and stopped to know who was talking to his wife to be, when he asked her who Ugo was at first she said it was one of her cousin that just visited town and decided to check up on her. Although Adaeze was heartbroken for lying about whom Ugo was to her, King Raymond took her in his car and drove off. Poor Ugo was left alone wondering what just happened, because he couldn't believe it.
Adaeze went back to Ugo's house and apologize for lying about who he was to King Raymond, Ugo was still angry but due to how sincere she was, he decided to forgive her. King Raymond noticed Ugo is always visiting Adaeze and was not convinced that he was her cousin. He decided to speak with her mother about this. Her mother told her that it was one useless good for nothing boy that want to bring poverty into their home in the name of marriage. On hearing this, King Raymond decided to get married to adaeze as quick as possible. King Raymond and Adaeze finally got married and moved to the city. Ugo was heartbroken that he wanted to commit suicide, fortunately for him there was someone around to stop him.
Eight months after their marriage, Adaeze was heavily pregnant. This made her mother so happy that she threw a party to celebrate the good news. One faithful evening, her husband came back from work and demanded for his food. Adaeze told him that she was tired to go into the kitchen to cook, this made him very angry and he gave her a slap and knocked her down asking her what her purpose was in this house if not to procreate and take care of him. After that incident, she reported the matter to her mother. Instead of scolding the mother she told her to endure that even her father also beat her and it was a norm in marriage. The act became a normal routine in the house, any time he was angry at work it will be Adaeze that will receive the heat of the anger. One day when King Raymond was watching TV in the living room, Adaeze decided to ask her husband about his plan for her to further her studies. Her husband laughed so hard that and called her and her family thieves. He came close to her and told her that this marriage was an investment he made in order to get a child that will inherit his wealth. She called her mum that she was no longer interested in the marriage anymore on hearing this, her mother told her not to worry that she will pay them a visit and talk some sense into her husband.
Her mother travelled to the city to ask what the problem was that made him fail to sponsor Adaeze's tertiary education. But she was also humiliated and asked to leave his house. It was now dawn on her that she have made a terrible mistake by giving her daughter to a terrible man who disguise as a good and respectful man. She apologized to her, but it was already too late for that.
In conclusion, parents and young individuals should not judge a person's character by their first approach because it is "not all that glitters is gold"