The Appointment | 19 May, 2024 @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2377 | Prompt: session over (fin de la sesión)


"Is the session over?" Michelle asked politely while standing in front of the receptionist.

The woman whose name tag read Adelaide Johnston didn't immediately acknowledge her question, but kept her head lowered as she leaned into the monitor. Adelaide's demeanor was nothing new to the rest of the staff occupying the desks surrounding her. The sole purpose of her job was to ensure that her boss followed a strict schedule. From behind the screen, she tapped her pen on the desk.

Michelle asked again. This time, Ms. Johnston released a heavy sigh, then looked sat her wristwatch and simply answered, "Yes."

Hesitating, she inquired again. "I know I was late for the appointment. Perhaps I can reschedule?"

Ms. Johnston pushed the clipboard forward. Michelle accepted and sat down to apply for a future training session.

She returned the application rescheduling form to the receptionist, then glanced around the office.

None of the other staff raised their heads. Doing so would cost them a reduction in pay after being informed they could leave for the day. Michelle's interruption was not worth risking loss of income.

Her future employer if all went well. She didn't mind the chilly reception. She was a bit upset at herself for being late and the treatment, but with her charm, she thought, she'd warm them up in no time.

She left abruptly, then stood outside the building. Fifteen minutes later, Jeremy pulled into the parking space.

"When is the next session?" he implored, staring ahead. He waited, hoping his plan was effective.

"How did you know I missed the interview?" Michelle questioned tersely.

Jeremy didn't answer, so they drove in silence. Two blocks away, he glanced down at his vehicle's center console.

Without thinking and upset with the way the morning ended, Michelle shouted in a shrill voice, "what were you thinking to take your eyes off the road? Didn't you see the guard and children in the middle of the street?"

Jeremy had no intention to move into the crossing lane where children were crossing the street from school and the guard was handling his duties to keep them safe. They rode on in silence several more blocks when his sudden outburst surprised Michelle.

"You don't realize how dangerous an occupation a crossing guard can be. I don't want to lose you. We're planning a family soon. Have you forgotten, or do you no longer desire that? If so, it should be your priority? Back there was just a sample of what could happen."

Reason mixed with a veiled threat didn't reflect the person Michelle thought she married. Inhaling deeply, she released it and started to respond, but decided otherwise, not understanding from where his anger originated. She'd wait until they reach the cabin in half an hour.

Unpacking, she formulated her plan to address his statement and attitude.

After dinner, she suggested a walk. The serene setting at the lake cabin provided the perfect opportunity to calm her husband.

"You know I've desired to switch my career to one less stressful. That was an obstacle to our starting a family also."

For several awkward moments, Jeremy lowered his head and shook it slowly. Memories of his father materialized. Tears streamed down his face. He stared at his wife of one year before explaining his past that he'd never shared.

Jeremy began slowly.

"I turned back to wave goodbye after crossing the street. Once I reached the other side of the school, the next moment all I saw was my mother exiting the car running and screaming my dad's name. I dropped my backpack and stood with my classmates frozen. I was in shock. I couldn't move. In that instant, I knew my dad was gone. Luckily, none of my classmates were injured."

"You don't understand. A Crossing Guard is not a career change. That's why I told you a different time for the interview."

Furious, Michelle rose quickly and stared down at Jeremy. How dare he sabotage my interview for a job I earnestly thought would be in our best interest for the future. She walked away a short distance with her hands behind her head. When she returned, she eased back down beside him.

"Out of the hundred different occupational ways to die, acting as a crossing guard is only one. The odds are higher just trying to survive everyday life."

She reached over and pulled her husband close. He didn't resist as he laid his head on her shoulder.

Looking out over the horizon, the promise of another day rushed toward them as the golden rays of the sun sped across the sky. And she was still alive and with her husband. They would get beyond this issue.

She vowed investigate other occupations utilizing her skills until they start a family.


For my theme, I was inspired by and utilized the @daily.prompt's publishing of 19 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2377: session over.


The Appointment Spanish Translation


La cita

*Michelle preguntó amablemente frente a la recepcionista: "¿Ha terminado la sesión?

La mujer cuyo nombre figuraba en la etiqueta, Adelaide Johnston, no respondió inmediatamente a su pregunta, sino que mantuvo la cabeza gacha mientras se inclinaba hacia el monitor. El comportamiento de Adelaide no era nada nuevo para el resto del personal que ocupaba los escritorios a su alrededor. El único propósito de su trabajo era asegurarse de que su jefe cumpliera un horario estricto. Desde detrás de la pantalla, golpeó el escritorio con el bolígrafo.

Michelle volvió a preguntar. Esta vez, la Sra. Johnston soltó un fuerte suspiro, miró su reloj de pulsera y se limitó a contestar: "Sí".

Dudando, volvió a preguntar. *Sé que llego tarde a la cita. ¿Quizá pueda cambiarla?

La Sra. Johnston adelantó el portapapeles. Michelle aceptó y se sentó para solicitar una futura sesión de formación.

Devolvió el formulario de solicitud de reprogramación a la recepcionista y echó un vistazo a la oficina.

Ninguno de los demás empleados levantó la cabeza. Hacerlo les costaría una reducción de sueldo tras ser informados de que podían marcharse por ese día. La interrupción de Michelle no merecía la pena arriesgarse a perder ingresos.

Su futuro empleador si todo iba bien. No le importó el frío recibimiento. Estaba un poco enfadada consigo misma por llegar tarde y por el trato recibido, pero con su encanto, pensó, los calentaría enseguida.

Se marchó bruscamente y se quedó fuera del edificio. Quince minutos más tarde, Jeremy se detuvo en la plaza de aparcamiento.

"¿Cuándo es la próxima sesión?", imploró, mirando al frente. Esperó, confiando en que su plan surtiera efecto.

"¿Cómo sabías que me había perdido la entrevista?, preguntó Michelle secamente.

Jeremy no contestó, así que condujeron en silencio. A dos manzanas de distancia, miró la consola central de su vehículo.

Sin pensarlo y disgustada por cómo había acabado la mañana, Michelle gritó con voz chillona: "¿En qué estabas pensando para apartar los ojos de la carretera? ¿No viste al guardia y a los niños en medio de la calle? ".

Jeremy no tenía intención de meterse en el carril de cruce, donde los niños cruzaban la calle desde el colegio y el guardia cumplía con su deber de mantenerlos a salvo. Siguieron circulando en silencio varias manzanas más cuando el repentino arrebato de Jeremy sorprendió a Michelle.

"No te das cuenta de lo peligrosa que puede ser la profesión de guardia de cruce. No quiero perderte. Pronto tendremos una familia. ¿Lo has olvidado o ya no lo deseas? Si es así, ¿debería ser tu prioridad? Lo de antes era sólo una muestra de lo que podía pasar".

La razón mezclada con una amenaza velada no reflejaba la persona con la que Michelle creía haberse casado. Inhalando profundamente, la soltó y empezó a responder, pero decidió lo contrario, sin entender de dónde procedía su ira. Esperaría a que llegaran a la cabaña dentro de media hora.

Deshaciendo las maletas, formuló su plan para abordar su declaración y su actitud.

Después de cenar, sugirió dar un paseo. El sereno entorno de la cabaña del lago proporcionó la oportunidad perfecta para calmar a Jeremy.

"Sabes que he deseado cambiar mi carrera por una menos estresante. Eso también fue un obstáculo para que formáramos una familia ".

Durante varios momentos incómodos, Jeremy bajó la cabeza y la sacudió lentamente. Los recuerdos de su padre se materializaron. Las lágrimas le corrían por la cara. Miró fijamente a su mujer, con la que llevaba un año, antes de explicarle el pasado que nunca había compartido.

Jeremy empezó despacio.

"Me volví para despedirme con la mano después de cruzar la calle. Cuando llegué al otro lado del colegio, al momento siguiente sólo vi a mi madre salir del coche corriendo y gritando el nombre de mi padre. Dejé caer la mochila y me quedé helado junto a mis compañeros. Estaba en estado de shock. No podía moverme. En ese instante, supe que mi padre se había ido. Por suerte, ninguno de mis compañeros resultó herido".

"Usted no entiende. Un Guardia de Cruce no es un cambio de carrera. Por eso te dije otra hora para la entrevista".

Furiosa, Michelle se levantó rápidamente y miró fijamente a Jeremy. ¿Cómo se atrevía a sabotear mi entrevista para un trabajo que yo creía que nos beneficiaría en el futuro? Se alejó un poco con las manos detrás de la cabeza. Cuando regresó, volvió a sentarse a su lado.

*"De las cien formas profesionales diferentes de morir, actuar como guardia de cruce es sólo una. Las probabilidades son mayores si se intenta sobrevivir a la vida cotidiana".

Se acercó a su marido y tiró de él. Él no se resistió y apoyó la cabeza en su hombro.

Mirando hacia el horizonte, la promesa de otro día se precipitaba hacia ellos mientras los rayos dorados del sol surcaban el cielo. Y ella seguía viva y con su marido. Superarían este problema.

Se comprometió a investigar otras ocupaciones en las que utilizar sus habilidades hasta que formaran una familia.


Para mi tema, me inspiré y utilicé la publicación de @daily.prompt de 19 May 2024, @mariannewest's Freewrite Writing Prompt Day 2377: session over



Good luck everyone with whatever your endeavors.


a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09.


English is my native language.
If translation included, I use DeepL to assist my readers.
Thanks for your patience an understanding

El inglés es mi lengua materna.
Si se incluye traducción, utilizo DeepL para ayudar a mis lectores.
Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión.



At first, I wondered why Michelle missed her job interview but reading the reason why Jeremy sabotaged it makes sense. He's a man haunted by his past. The impact of a past trauma can limit future possibilities of living a fulfilling life.

I'm glad Michelle calmed down to listen to his story. Compromise and empathy can do wonders in a marriage! A poignant and interesting story. Thanks for sharing. Take care and have a wonderful day. 😊 !PIMP

You must be killin' it out here!
@kemmyb just slapped you with 1.000 PIMP, @justclickindiva.
You earned 1.000 PIMP for the strong hand.
They're getting a workout and slapped 1/1 possible people today.


Read about some PIMP Shit or Look for the PIMP District

Communication as to expectations and compromise will go a long way in helping a marriage survive for the long haul. You can't fix what you don't know about, and no one is a mind reader.

Thanks so much for your analysis of my story. I appreciate it and am pleased you found it interesting. Take care.


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