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RE: Uprising In Gonjolard (Part 6) | Freewrite: 3/22/24 | Prompt: A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

in Freewriters • 2 months ago

In my opinion, Lauryn of The Long Sword is the heroine of this story, period! 😄 Oh my, your vivid descriptions immerses me in the story, like I'm beside her, walking amongst the people and getting ready to save Alphonse. I'd guessed from the last chapter that there's a romantic connection between these two characters but I wasn't sure. This chapter proves it.

Neither one knew the other's heart raced as each pair of emerald eyes bore through time and grasp that hour of blissful oneness achieved that evening in the field under the setting sun.

This paragraph says a lot in few words. 😄 Now we're inching close to the final confrontation! I can't wait to see Gawdawfel's wicked smile wiped off his face and his father held accountable for the Crown's misdeeds. Captivating! Take care and have a wonderful day. 😊


Lauryn certainly is a credible heroine. Together, she and Alphonse will make a formidable pair. I'm certainly pleased you have time available to visit and read my story. Such an in-depth and thoughtful analysis of the happenings in this Chapter 6. I love attempting to create a descriptive narrative, and am grateful you were able to see the sights and sounds and feel the pain of the peasants through Lauryn's eyes once she reached the town of Gonjolard.

Yes, Lauryn would do anything to save Alphonse. They are one in love and battle. And yes, we are nearing the uprising. Let's hope all goes as planned by the SOB.

Thanks for your engagement and support of my series story. Take care.

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