It was an odd day indeed for the Kingdom of Gonjolard,...
I couldn't agree more! From celebration to war and finally, peace and festivity. A fitting end to this captivating saga!
Gawdawfel deserved his ending and more if it were in my hands to execute the sentence against him. 😄 The people of Gonjolard and the SOBs are brave. Revolution is one way to change the course of a country and sadly it comes at the cost of bloodshed.
This saga is a mirror of what most leaders put their people through. Greed, wickedness and inhumane acts are traits that define bad leaders and their citizens are the ones at the receiving end. Hartfelt did right handing over the kingdom to Alphonse. He realised where he had failed and fate bestowed him the opportunity to make things right before he passed. Not every leader gets that opportunity.
Thank you for this riveting and well-written saga! I enjoyed every chapter especially the final three, maybe because I love action-packed scenes and stories. Hehe. Well done! Take care and have a relaxing Sunday.
Yes, I know you like action and drama. I'm please you found the entire series to your liking and how the conclusion wrapped up. I just hope the people are able to move forward with fresh ideas of equality. That King Hartfelt was able to redeem himself in the end was admirable of him because he fought against it knowing the truth. But, as you say, some leaders without true intentions, fall from grace in that manner.
I appreciate your staying with my 15-part saga until the end. Take care and have a good rest of your week.