Fall of the last mask: The end of misery, lies and doubts

in Freewriterslast month (edited)

After four years the story has ended

It has now been four years since the world changed from one day to the next. Masks were mandatory everywhere, people disappeared under protective equipment, and a collective loss of face occurred. Back when the first face covering regulations forever changed the way Germans viewed themselves, everyone was supposed to wear these masks. But initially there were none for sale.

All the more striking was a mask that an unknown person had hung on a small tree in a park. So low that everyone could see them. So high that no one was able to bring her down.

The pale blue mask survived the first summer of the pandemic and it survived the first winter too. It hung undamaged on a branch, battered by the wind and tousled by the storm, wet with rain and then dried again by the sun.

Spring and the next summer came and she was still there, the first state of emergency called lockdown came and the second, and she continued to dangle relentlessly in her tree as if she wanted to laugh at everyone who was out of fear and insecurity and bad news and attempts at reassurance no longer knew. what they should now believe and could even believe.

The last stable thing

The mask was stable, even when everything around it changed. The vaccinations that protected against infection didn't do that, but the mask was still there. The new wave, which would be even worse, as the Minister of Health never tired of emphasizing, did not come. But the mask was still there. Corona went from a special case to everyday life, like the mask that hung very close to a popular walking path. And hung. And hung.Four years with one mask.jpg

From the day that the then German Health Minister claimed that “face masks are not necessary because the virus cannot be transmitted through the breath” to the day that masks had to be worn even outdoors, she viewed the changes from a higher perspective position. A simple surgical mask that cost two euros at the height of the crisis - 100 times more than in normal times.

Through it all

She persevered through it all. The second Corona winter came, the second spring, summer, autumn and another winter. As if it would remain forever young, it dangled up there, a supposedly effective virus defense agent that became a monument to a crazy time. The mask, which ended up on the tree in March 2020, was still hanging there in March four years later, a little disheveled, a little fuzzy, but stubborn, as if it never wanted to give up its place.

But then it happened. One day it disappeared, blown down by a small spring storm. The band had broken and the face mask had fallen to the floor. After exactly four years and two months, i.e. 1520 days, consisting of 217 weeks, the story of the last mask is over.
maske Peißnitz finale.jpg
Last call: It's over now


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People bad. Harming nature by throwing unnecessary trash.
