Maledictus Terra Book 3: Vetitum Nemus Part 17

in Freewriters3 months ago

Hi All

@zakludick has made an effort to give me so many names I couldn't help but have a little fun with this piece.

Don't forget to read Part 16 before getting started on this one.

She then turned to Magna.

“This is the crowned princess of Dragonshold, Magna, the next in line for the throne. The young man next to her is her twin brother, Adrian, a mage of growing strength.”

Noxus paused for a second, trying to determine the order of importance of their party. She then inclined her head to Derric and said, “Young Derric, who we have recently learned is…was, from Loghaven.”

She continued to incline her head to all of those who were with her but the sullen-faced creature, Master Pattoq took a deep breath and said rudely, “I know the smell of dead when I smell one.”

He seemed to flick his wrist and Mortis's helm was flung away. It was only Magna who noticed a slingshot being hastily added to a pocket. Master Pattoq grinned, showing significantly smaller tusks than the rest of the room. His short red fur bristled, and he issued a growl.

As he tried to storm to his feet, Gorox swung his hammer between the revenant and the creature. The blow rocked the floor and Chief Tayo sat up straighter, the top of her head brushing the tent. She seemed surprised.

Lightning seemed to be running down the marauder’s arm toward the head of the hammer. He had a grim grin set on his face as if inviting Master Pattoq to initiate the attack once more. The creature sat down, almost looking embarrassed at his challenge being cut short as it had.

“The councillor was getting to our introductions.” Spat Gorox. “I invite you to remember your manners Bugbear or we will be having a larger disagreement.”

Gorma chuckled and not so subtly whispered to Adrian, “You have competition.”

Noxus cleared her throat as Gorox raised the hammer to sit over his broad shoulders. She was surprised that he had advanced so much since last seeing him. She was proud of him. Out of all those in her group, he had been the laziest but the strongest. It would seem that their failure had made him realise that he needed to up his game to be a better partner.

“As I was saying. The now exposed guardian is Mortis, a previous king of our land, before our time, but after yours. He is bound to the family through blood and is the guardian of the future queen.”

“Amongst other things.” Said Magna under her breath.

“Our hammer-swinging friend is a dear friend of mine. We were Kai initiates. I failed, he continued. This is Gorox Muxus, a Marauder of Vallox Kai.”

Chief Tayo seemed to lean down and whisper in Chief Durbul Lockjaw’s ear. He nodded and seemed to whisper something back.

“They have been flirting for years since my mother’s death, but tribalism keeps them from forming an official bond.” Whispered Gorma to Magna. “Chief Tayo could literally move mountains, but she is the most soft-spoken of all those at this table.”

“Chief Tayo says the earth speaks highly of you and your adventures.” Said Chief Durbul Lockjaw, “In fact, both of you are backed by the earth we stand on, cursed or not.”

Lockjaw turned to Master Pattoq and said flatly, “How will you take the slight?”

“I have done what I set out to do, to show that there is an undead amongst us.”

“Oh, I am so much more than that.” Said Mortis as he bent down to retrieve his helm.

If his face should show it, it would show the irritation at the new dent in the helm. He tucked it under his arm and faced the table.

“I will take not take this slight unavenged.”

Magna wanted to tell Mortis to back down, but she noticed that Gorox’s muscles tightened over his hammer. She needed to stay out of this, and so she did.

“Choose your proxy.” Demanded Mortis.

Master Pattoq once more revealed his tusks but he said nothing.

“Ooh, Mortis just insulted Pattoq, implying that he is weak and can’t fight him.” Explained Gorma.

Adrian seemed to sigh under his breath and the idiocy that was happening but said nothing else.

“There will be no fighting.” Said Lockjaw, “As much as I would like to see how this ends. It is my fault for inviting a revenant into the tent without preparing those who are within it. Understand that the areas we used to live in were swarming with the undead before we suddenly woke. We don’t trust anything that doesn’t breathe and bleed.”

“While that is fair, I don’t believe Bellum would see it that way.”

Pattoq snorted and said, “What would you know of a war god grave dust.”

“Pattoq.” Warned Shadbak Gul, the female orc chief. “Everyone at these talks is to be respected. We need to know what happened…”

“How do we know they aren’t all liars and want us to…”

Pattoq’s head suddenly snapped back, and he clutched at his flattened nose, as he was flung from his chair. This time, it was Adrian who noticed the pebble that had dislodged Mortis’s helm had lifted into the air and rocketed toward the creature.

“The earth will be heard.” Said Chief Tayo in a gravelly voice.

The table, which should have been in an uproar at the attack, was deathly silent. While Chief Tayo was the last to be mentioned, it was obvious she held a lot of respect. Pattoq picked himself up, kept his head down, and allowed the blood to pool in his lap and he quickly offered an apology to the tent, as explained by Gorma.

“Prickly as always.” Said Lockjaw. “Please, take your seats and we will begin our talks. It would seem you all know how to handle yourselves.”

The orc chieftain then looked at Adrian and said, “I first thought that you had done that as I saw your eyes follow the pebble.”

Adrian waved the comment off as it made him uncomfortable with the attention. The mostly human party took their seats and waited for the talks to begin. Lockjaw remained silent and looked at all those gathered before him.
Alright, @zakludick back to you.
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Mortis Custos




Vetitum Nemus

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Where to go from here...